Another Otonoha :)

Nov 11, 2010 09:07

More sho fail for your reading pleasure - :P
Tranlations are not 100% accurate... but I give it my best shot.

Why Hello.

It’s me.

The other day, we had the wrap party for “God’s Medical Report”



This young man, who had been unable to go shopping for an extended period of time, had absolutely nothing to wear to such an event.

“Right then. Let’s go shopping.”

Right before the wrap party.

I went to a clothing store where one of my friend’s works, in order put to my outfit together.

Sakurai: “Hello~! I have a wrap party I am supposed to go to after this… Do you have a Jacket or a shirt or something that you think would look good?

Friend* “Understood! I will try and put something together for you.”

Nearly one hour later.

I tried on item after item, but found nothing I really liked.

… Untiil….Perfect!!

I found one that I felt I could wear comfortably to the wrap party.

I did kind of try to go for something a little different, but in the end I decided to go with something that had that “This is the kind of style I always go with” vibe to it.

That’s what I set my heart on.

As the event began, and I was standing around eating at the party, I had this conversation with one of the staff members.

Staff: “There’s something different about you tonight.”

Sakurai: “Huh? Oh…Really… I always wear this kind of thing though~”

Staff: … You just bought that, right?”

Huh? Just how much of a super detective is this guy?

Sakurai: “Yeah… How did you know…? I kind of panicked and pulled it together at the last minute? What gave it away?”

Staff: “I thought so. You’ve still got the tacking thread attached to your jacket.”

I am so lame!!

It practically screamed “I just bought this for the wrap party” and I was totally exposed.


What a wonderful level of embarrassment that left me at.

After that, I had them cut the thread off my jacket for me, and went on like nothing had happened…but…


I’d already let my immature side hang out for the world to see.

And with that in mind…

I can say now that we are done with the wrap party.

Now all we have to do is wait for the finished product.

Please keep “God’s Medical Report” in mind!!


sho and his fail. translations

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