Submission Form: Application [Rose Lalonde // Homestuck]

Mar 18, 2011 20:23


Name: ArgentB
Are you over 16?: Yes indeedy
Personal LJ: argentb
Timezone: Arizona Standard Time (MST w/o CST)
Other contact: AIM -- argentbast
Characters already in the game: Akira Takizawa moderndayprince
How did you find us?: Look at Akira’s app. o/


Character name: Rose Lalonde handle: tentacleTherapist (TT)
Fandom: MS Paint Adventures -- Homestuck
Timeline: Current, up-to date (last seen 1/16 doing gog-knows-what)
Age: 13
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: Rose Lalonde has quite a few INTERESTS, which include knitting, writing, psychology, reading about eldritch terrors and consulting the occult. Her room is cluttered with each of these things and she has had a lot of experience analyzing and interpreting the behaviors of her various friends. She also uses these analytical skills to great effect in understanding complex problems, often breaking apart and piecing together loose threads and broken ideas to create a more complete picture. Given enough time, there are few problems that she wouldn’t be able to understand… now whether or not she can solve it on her own is another issue entirely…

More recently, however, she has been getting more and more active. Through her adventures in the game Sburb, she has shown herself to be incredibly quick and nimble - often performing flips and barrel rolls in the air. When she hits the ground, however, she skewers her enemies with needles and thread (which she swears she could fillet a swordfish with). While that is impressive in its own right, she has recently acquired newfound magic powers with the Thorns of Oglogoth, a special kind of wand that she created. Through the thorns, she now has the ability to fly, attack enemies with extremely powerful beams of darkness energy, and can do all manner of impressive feats of magical sorcery.

How would they use their abilities?: A staunch pragmatist, Rose typically uses her abilities to solve problems (which may or may not include engaging in passive-aggressive warfare with her mother) or to help her friends. She usually prefers not to show off, and would much rather keep things civil and orderly. While Rose does have some history of destroying things, they are almost always in the defense of her friends and family or to progress through the game. The one circumstance that she blew up a computer to shoo away unwanted solicitation was completely justified. And the fact flying can be fun is entirely coincidental.

Appearance: Rose looks like mostly your average 13-year-old teenage girl - around 5 feet tall and 100-ish pounds. She has light-blonde hair raised up with a headband, full lips and peculiar violet-hued eyes. She normally wears a plain white shirt with a sinister-looking squid on the front, a plain skirt and comfortable canvas shoes. When provided with the option to accessorize her wardrobe, however, she usually likes to wear simple-yet-stylish clothes and dresses. Her most recent outfit is a plain black dress with a white menacing squid over a pink long-sleeved shirt with a pink scarf wrapped around her waist. Like so.

Personality: At first glance, Rose may appear stand-offish, cold and perhaps a bit cynical. She has a tendency to analyze and scrutinize her friends and others, much to their annoyance. Her vernacular and scrutiny for punctuation may even come across a little snobbish and excessive. Further, her penchant for irony and sarcasm sometimes borders on mean, and her keenness for organization and order may sometimes get in the way. And while she usually is calm and collected, when her temper is triggered she can act in a brutally efficiency.

These are all at the surface, however. In truth, Rose is an incredibly quiet and maybe even a little shy, painfully afraid not to reveal too much about herself or to look foolish in public. She has a variety of hidden interests that very few people know about - most recently she picked up knitting and she has a whole collection of short stories and poems that nobody has ever read. She also has a difficult time expressing and conveying strong feelings of affection and admiration and often conceals them with sarcastic double-talk. My head canon suggests that she may not even be completely aware of her true feelings in the first place.

This is ironic, however, in that one of her greatest annoyances from other people is false-fronts. Rose is especially critical of her mother, who views her interest in wizards (which she is also interested in) and housework as ironic gestures acted upon purely to wage passive-aggressive war on her. While she has little patience for idiots (her friend John being a kind-hearted exception), the one thing that really makes her mad is inauthenticity, even though she is blindly oblivious to the fact that she isn’t being completely true to herself either.

Deep down though (and not even all that deep, as her friend John cheerily tells her) Rose is a kind-hearted individual that cares deeply of most everybody she comes into contact with. Bookish, quiet and very straightforward, Rose Lalonde is an extremely helpful and cooperative friend. During the course of the game, she often encourages and supports her friends- keeping them focused on their task, providing assistance in any way she can, and working hard to research as much information about the world they have stumbled into. She is also surprisingly adaptable - easing back on her comebacks for her less-than-thick-skinned friends or using slang and mispronunciations if she they convey her thoughts better. This also extends to gameplay, where she often utilized the “move object” feature of the game to drop heavy objects on her friend’s enemies.

Family Feud/The Death of Family

Rose Lalonde was born (for a lack of a better word) to a rather wealth super-industrialist named Mom Lalonde. Their home is a rather beautiful, but very desolate, mansion that was built over a river in Rainbow Falls, New York. Aside from this, we don’t get much information about Rose’s background - it is entirely possible that most of her early childhood was spent reading and wandering the halls of the grandly elaborate mansion. Head canon says that while she may have gone to school, most of Rose’s interactions with children her age were minimal at best. Aside from her online pesterchums, John Egbert, Jade Harley and Dave Strider, the only person that she really regarded with some affection was her deceased cat, Jaspers.

As far back as Rose can remember, however, she and her mother had been locked in a battle of ironic one-upmanship. Perhaps the whole feud began when Mom started decorating her mansion with gaudy wizard statues and figures and excessively pricey frames for her Rose’s artwork, but probably the real origins of the fighting started when Rose was four years old. While giving her cat Jaspers his usual psychoanalysis therapy session, Jaspers whispered a secret into Rose’s tiny little ears. At that moment, Jaspers disappeared in a flash. Two weeks later, his dead body washed up on the river shore.

Sad over the loss of her pet and friend, Rose asked Mom for a funeral. Mom did so, responding to this request by having Jaspers stuffed and fitted with a fancy suit, erecting a large mausoleum and placing the deceased kitty in a child-sized coffin. Rose was furious. After all, he was a normal cat and deserved to have a normal burial in the backyard! She considered her mother’s actions a mockery to her memory of Jaspers and took it deeply personally. Since, the feud of personal one-upmanship has escalated - such as purchasing a vacuum cleaner for a Christmas present (which was subsequently bronzed), or writing out ‘SHREVV’ with refrigerator magnets… which was responded by purchasing ‘W’s… and then responded back with a well-written thank-you note that was dated, notarized and marked with blood.

This sort of perpetual one-upmanship would have eventually continued until one of them no longer walked this Earth… which ironically happened. But I’m getting ahead of myself. You see, it all started when her friend Jade Harley told her that there was a way to revive her dead cat…

The Game to End all Games

As it turned out, the way to revive her dead cat was through a new computer game called “Sburb.” Though skeptical of such an implausible thing happening to her dead cat, Jade always seemed to have a way of knowing things that she couldn’t possibly know. Rose also trusted that she wouldn’t joke about this kind of thing and, after all, what could she lose? It’s not like the world was going to end or anything.

The problems first started, though, when she found out that two people are required to play the game, and of her four friends she was the only one that had a copy. Correction, she was the only one that had a copy and wanted to play - one of her pesterchums, Dave Strider, was too ironically cool to be caught dead playing such a wack piece of trash. He explained that only if her life depended on it would he ever EVER consider playing Sburb. Annoyed but determined to play, she turned to her last friend, John Egbert, who wanted to play but was still waiting for his copy to come in through the mail. Finally on his 13th birthday he got his game. The adventure into the game of Sburb began.

The game itself was rather straightforward, if a bit weird. The server player (which is what Rose was playing) could move and interact with the environment of the client player (which is what John was playing). While there was a certain range that Rose could interact with John’s environment-she couldn’t move things too far from John and she couldn’t move John himself-she was able to pick and create objects within his house. Through the use of an in-game gaming material called “grist,” Rose was able to expand the size of John’s room. Things were going fine until one of the devices, a strange machine called a cruxtreuder, was hit on the head which started a countdown and released a glowing ball of blue energy. After looking up some information on Gamefaqs, Rose discovered that the blue orb was something called a kernelsprite - and that it needed to be merged with an object to become anything useful. Not sure what else to use, the John threw a giant harlequin doll into the blue orb… which made it into a glowing blue disembodied harlequin head. Not much help there, apparently.

The cruxtruder also produced a cylindrical object that apparently was meant to be fitted into another machine called an alchemiter -- a sort of item-making machine. While John was outside, fitting in this strange device, he saw an object glowing in the sky. It was a meteor! And it was heading straight for him! Apparently, in addition to completely useless stuff that made no sense, the countdown had summoned a meteor to his current location! Panicked and terrified of this new development, John was within inches of freaking out when Rose calmed him down. She rationalized that there must be a certain object that needed to be created using the alchemiter and through the process of playing the game, John would be spared a terrible and disastrous end (she hoped). Though it took some trial and error, they were able to make a tree using the device that produced a single, blue apple. Within seconds of being destroyed by imminent destruction, John took a bite of the apple and was transported to another dimension.

The other dimension was a dark place, and his house seemed to have been set high on top of a tall pinnacle. There was no horizon for miles and, somehow, no sign of his dad. Not realizing what else to do, Rose decided that the first thing they should try would be to complete the kernelsprite’s merging process. Apparently the kernelsprite needed two objects to be complete - the harlequin doll was not enough to make the sprite something useful. After a couple of failed attempts, some ashes of John’s dear old Nana fell onto the sprite, creating - Nanasprite! Pickled pink by the idea of being alive (and perhaps a little bit more of a prankster than what she was while she was alive), was able to explain some of the rules of the game, which Rose listened in on. As it turned out, activating the game did not begin the process of ending the world-that was a grim inevitability. Instead, the game activated portals for players to be gathered in to a separate dimension in order to create a new universe. John and three others were required to enter the land of Skaia, the garden that the new galaxy would be made. However, an evil black king - one with the powers of the objects that were used to make the kernelsprites - stood in their way and was going to destroy everything. In order to complete their task, they needed to reach Skaia and put a stop to him.

Rose listened to all this and knew that this game meant something more than bringing back her dead cat. She realized the importance of being John’s server player and that if he was going to be successful, she needed to make her way into the game itself. Now if only there was somebody that would be able to act as her server player…

Though it took some convincing (and an old-fashioned beat down from his brother), the person that they were able to get on board to complete the task was none other than Dave Strider. By the time Dave had his ass-kicked all up in ludicrous bizantry, the normally tranquil forests surrounding Rose’s house had caught fire from the hailstorm of meteor activity. The resulting blaze gradually began to sweep across the area and was now threatening to destroy Rose’s house. Fortunately for everyone, Dave was successful in getting his butt handed to him receiving a copy of the disc and Rose was able to enter into the game before things got… too hot to handle.

LOLAR and a soft-spoken friend

Much like her friend John, Rose’s house appeared within the medium. She was not, however, on the Land of Wind and Shade, but rather surrounded by a glittering expanse of an opalescent ocean. And scattered throughout the sky were white clouds drizzling fluorescently hues showers. This was her world: the Land of Light and Rain. For the moment, she simply stood in front of her house’s balcony and admired how pretty everything looked. Her peaceful moment didn’t last long, however, as the games various imps and ogres made their way to her house to cause havoc. Rose responded quickly with some havoc of her own.

Not long after taking some time to explore the area (and making a few awesome things) , a new person started to pester Rose. Calling herself Kanaya, the new voice watched over her and commented that she was viewing her entire timeline on her computer and was able to interact with her. Though their interactions began terse, they eventually became mutual friends. Kanaya informed Rose that through the actions of Rose and her friends, the previous game was disrupted. Though the previous players initially intended to be hostile to Rose and her friends, this troll was intent on making a pact of mutual understanding. Though she had heard about these trolls from her friends, she was curious about what they had to say (and the clever trap that “Kanaya” had thought up for her where she told Rose about what she was going to do was certainly enough to give her pause), she decided to work with her for the time to develop her understanding of the game.

The Path that Should Not Have Happened

Meanwhile, over in the Land of Wind and Shade, John was getting a troll of his own. This one, however, convinced him that he should go fight the world’s denizen (and get massive levels in the process!) Though he was doubtful of how smart this plan was, he really didn’t want to argue with her about it. That, and there was a totally kick-ass jet-pack there to take him up to it.

As it turns out, what sounded like a really bad idea really was a bad idea. Within a few months of this alternate timeline, Dave and Rose had attempted to deduce as much information as they could - fully aware that John and Jade met a bad end. After a month, though, they had enough of aimlessly exploring the depths of the game and were ready to restart where things went horribly wrong. As the Knight of Time, Dave transported himself back to the point where John ran off on his suicide mission, finally convincing him that going on this mission was going to get him killed. This created an entirely new timeline, and the dream-form of Rose (an alternate variant that woke up when she fell asleep) merged with her present-day self. This provided her with all the knowledge and information the alternate-timeline self was able to acquire.

The dread she felt about not existing was palpable, however. She worried about what would not-existing would be like, or, if she would continue to exist without her friends there. This divergence from present events made a mark on her, and she would never want to face that dread of being alone or not existing ever again.

Bolstered by the new knowledge of this alternate timeline (and the knowledge from the trolls that their game was unwinnable), Rose began to make every effort to break the game, piece-by-piece. She started by tearing apart the game constructs, and continued the process in order to destroy something called the GREEN SUN. She was told that through this they might have been able to alter their fates, but whether or not they would be able to do this remains to be seen…

Why should that character be in this game: >Invalid command prompt.

Why do you want to continue their history here: >Invalid command prompt.

For applicants considering an alternate version of a character already in game, please use this as your chance to explain the key differences between your character and the one already in play: >Damnit stop.

Have you read up on how the game works?: Yes, the device is called FlameFerret. Rose would acquire money through working, freelance or opening a business.

1st person sample:
Present circumstances indicates that we are currently no longer in Sburb, or, at the very least, outside of the current configurations of worlds.
This much is easy to deduce, yet poses a number of comprehensive and substantial:
Where are we?
What are we doing here?

Perhaps we are presently in an extraneous stage intended for the acquisition of surplus rewards: bonuses, if you will.
Provided this extends beyond the continuum of regular space-time, this would be beneficial and would be a much-desired respite.
If, however, this rests within the normal realm our bodily displacement is troublesome.
Or perhaps we are in are in the threshold of exploring the limits of space.
The final frontier.
If so I will make this a catalogue of our transmissions of our present location.
My intention: to explore and assess these new locations.
To find somebody intellectual and not completely stupid.
Indeed, I shall go forward with intent and purpose!

That aside, I would kill for a hamburger and chocolate sundae.

3rd person sample:

The room fell silent as the girl look squarely at the Vogon before her. A glimpse of bitter indignation was visible in the Vogon’s eyes, matched equally (if not more so) in the coldly indignant eyes of the human girl. With a low, audible growl, the Vogon muttered. “What did you say?” The dark energy begin to fill the room, threating to suffocate the people inside (or set off an alarm of some kind).

Rose bore up at the alien with a presence that belied her small stature. “That’s right, I don’t know which one is the blue form.” Her eyes slitted

The Vogon grunted. “Not tell the difference? It’s plain as a positron emitter. What’s wrong with your eyes?”

“I’m sorry, you know how it is with inferior species such as us. We have little understanding of the proper democratic processes as something as retentive as you. On top of that, I think I might be color-blind.” Rose lied. She understood it all perfectly well, but wasn’t about to let them hassle her around like a doormat. At least not without hassling them first.

The giant Vogon seized himself up horribly, visibly shaking his gross skin as he fussed and blustered. “Unacceptable! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! You must have an eye exam at once.”

A bitter grin splayed across Rose’s face. “I’m sorry. Did you fill out the proper forms?”

Questions?: Did you catch the Star Trek joke? :3

Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Appropriate numeration submission formation submitted.

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