No, your eyes are not deceiving you! I'm back (after I don't even want to think how long it's been ;-;) Anyway, on with this week's newsletter!
Strawberry Milkshake by
brokenshadow23 [UsuiMisa; K+] 'It's so funny how one remembers by simply eating or drinking a common drink.'
Cravings by
AAJL [MisaUsui;
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Comments 2
For some reason I'm really excited for Christmas this year. We don't have our decorations up yet, we have Fall decorations up for Thanksgiving right now, but I think by the end of the month we are going to put them up. I'm just hoping we get a nice cold front around Christmas, which we haven't had before I think.
We haven't either but I'm going home for my Mum's birthday next weekend so I'm going to bring my mini Christmas tree back with me and find somewhere in my room to put it :) People at my Uni keep saying that it usually starts snowing here around mid-November/early December, but right now it's about 11°C so unless we get a blast of polar air from the Arctic, I can't imagine seeing any snow until Christmas break :(
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