My first sewing progress post since... forever!

Jan 19, 2009 13:01

Inspired to get some work done on my 20s dress, so last night I made a bandeau. I draft/draped it myself, based on the instructions here.

I think it turned out great!

Sorry for the blurry mirror pics.

I made it from some blue and gold brocade I had in the stash, and it's bound with pink silk ribbon. It's hard to see in the last pic, but it laces up in the back. I decided to go for this method rather than the usual button method as it would make it easier to get a snug fic, and bit easier to take on and off by myself.

The bandeau is flat-lined in cotton voile, and the seams flat-felled. This gives the seams a little extra strength. I used a heavy-weight interfacing on the front and back panels, but left the side panels at two layers to give it a bit of stretch.

The before and afters. It takes a good four inches off my bust. It's also super comfy! Like a very intense sports bra.

I've made a pattern for the bandeau, so if enough people are interested I'll upload it here and make a tutorial It's a super cute little bra and was very quick to make. I did the whole thing (including hand-binding) in one night.

Next up, the slip!

underthings, charley, 1920s

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