I tried out
TrustFlow II for LiveJournal. The following people not on the friends list for
maigie2010 are close by:
- scribblinlenore, digitalwave (150 - 200)
- astrea9562, garryowen, goss, lastscorpion, kitkat3979, talitha78, lapetite_kiki, pepperjackcandy (200 - 250)
- estrella30, yavannauk, koimistress, betrue, mahaliem, seperis, enderwiggin24, rivkat, catmoran, roxymissrose, acampbell, meret, superwoobie, elandrialore, nifra_idril (250 - 300)
- nerodi, emrinalexander, astolat, cjandre, tamalinn, sabershadowkat, amandajane5, slodwick, joyfulgirl41, frelling_tralk, laytoncolt, pun, rhiannonhero (300 - 350)
- obsidian_raj, freakily_sticky, itsaslashything, mecurtin, thecaelum, supercaptain182, runpunkrun, luthorlover, aelora, celli, mkitty_03, lanning, chasethecat, hyperfocused, balinesenoneko (350 - 400)
- aurora_bee, vampsarecool, bexless, dianehc, arysteia, thamiris, jamesnestor, corinna_5, marcasita, oxoniensis, lexalot, scarlettmoon, supergrover24, hackthis (400 - 450)
- clex_recs, rose_etta, starstuff27, in_the_bottle, _sail_, hergerbabe, sarahjane12, hrd02ca, beetart, teenygozer, stopawhile, iykwim, issaro, shattered, elli, justabi, fashes, khohen1, lexii314, laurab1, anitac588 (450 - 500)
- thefourthvine, like_cheap_wine, winterlive, diluvian, annakas, violetsmiles, krisdia, spaggel, treetracer, tigress35, recsrainbow, rushlight75 (500 - 550)
Created by ciphergoth; hosted by
TrustFlow II: Who is closest to your friends
list? What's interesting to me is that when I have time I sample entries from most of these people's ljs. I like these results. Hmm, a friending is in order.