Jan 19, 2003 19:50
.me and my roomate now
specialize in scandals,
swindles. if you konw
anyone who needs a mission.
done.. we will gladly except
if the price is right.
.ask about previous missions.
we have completed.
Jan 15, 2003 00:34
this goes out to ALI AND JON
.jon and ali sitting in a tree.
.yelling things like AN.AR.CHY
.first comes punk,
.then comes mushrooms.
.then comes a baby with a baby broom?
Jan 14, 2003 15:04
just. returning from.skateboarding
with mr scott meyers . my house
was a little different...
i noticed. black ooze coming from toilets, doors blown off hinges, unexplained teeth marks,
flying demented pigs with glowing red eyes,
a pit to hell in the basement,
and of course bleeding walls.
my mother really has to clean somtyme soon
Jan 12, 2003 21:47
i am going to start.
rapping\beat boxing.
.from now one.
.i am
.death row toll..
Jan 05, 2003 01:31
so. today i was working.
when a rack of coats began to.
attack a costomer. i thought. hey
this is great... so i watched.
poor guy didnt have a chance.
he was only 2.
Dec 12, 2002 11:27
whys does the past,
.come back. all at once..
and not in little peices.
i hate that shit..
.. its kinda annoying...