Would have just added this on to my last entry, but I know many people do not exactly go back looking for edits.
So anyway:
I didn't bother resizing in case some people wanted to use it and fool around. X333;;; I'll go frame the form now or something. ^_^ Sorry that I didn't scan in the back, because... I forgot, and I'm too lazy to reboot my brother's computer to scan it in again. T_T
XD; Really enjoyed the dinner~ *hugglesnugglemuggle*
I just remembered. I have school tomorrow. *dies* It feels like I've been on a holiday. *snicker*
[Edit] Well, I do end up just editing on the spot anyway. =3
Lost and Found. has been updated!
It's only a tiny measly update... because well, we thought that it deserved an update. XD; The next update is probably going to be my Japan trip update (which was due... since I got back) and you'll probably catch it here instead of there... so nevermind that anyway. XD; The Dolpa pics would be here too.
Is this what people call a 'sneak peek'? *enter Shinji mode* But it's only called a sneak peek if people are dying to see what it is, isn't it? It shouldn't be called a sneak peek then, because it isn't that much of a nice photoshoot and what not. And I'm being serious here, because this time it was due to the fact that I was taking out the suede from Kazu's legs as they were creating a horrible mess and the jeans which he wore made it worse and well, they were jamming up his strings and all that so it was a good thing that we took it out. *grumbles at Volks* Maa... at least he could pose well for a few months, ne? But anyway, the jeans made stains on him which I really couldn't be bothered to clean up and decided that I'll pass them off as bruises from where his old place (and there's nothing suspicious about them being all around the bottom half of his body right?) and so I put him there with my toys and dressed him up in something more comfortable and there - I just whipped out a camera because I saw that awfully cute photo of Kiryuu on
kadou's lj and had the sudden urge to take some photos so I did and - wait, wasn't this supposed to be about 'sneak peeks'? Ah.. nevermind. It still is quite a pointless shoot but at least Kazu looked like he was smiling...
...I got carried away.