We were talking about this daemon animal thing. Whales, said jhadur509. They travel. They sing. "And they're very peaceful and sociable, in an independent kind of way. Singing to each other across oceans and all". I like it, I said. I'll be a whale.
I'm going to Africa. Africa! On Sunday.I might not be reading Livejournal much for the next four months.
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"What will you do when you've finished your PhD?", people asked. "I'll throw my computer out of the window and take up strawberry farming", I declared.
I finished.
"What will you do now?", they asked
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Online voting is now open for the people's millions. Of the four projects, only one would affect communities right across the UK; the Sustrans Connect2 project, which would divide the funding among 79 projects from Scotland to Southampton which aim to improve walking and cycling connections between local communities. One of these projects is to
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So, I spent last week working on the draft of my report. I worked through Saturday night and finished it on Sunday, and then ran around like a bit of a headless chicken wondering what to do since I was supposed to have got it to my supervisor before he left on Sunday. Missed two of the three things I'd hoped to do Sunday, but I managed to get to
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