[ Active / Closed ]

Dec 27, 2011 22:38

Who: Red, The girl, Lock
Where: Kitchen
When: Day 005
What: Plot shenanigans
Warnings: Your lives will get both easier and more difficult from here on.

Niall is stood smoking in the kitchen now day has come, slowly re-evaluating his options. He has a lingering anger with the house for making him feel and it's spurring him into activity, pushing him to do something to spite it. Or to spite someone. To cause damage -- to, at least, pull himself into a better position. Find higher ground again and once more regain his upper hand. He paces slowly, clicking his neck and turning over events in his head. This place has its weak points, everything does. At the moment, the weakest link is Lock. Niall has far from forgotten, and in fact now? Now feels like the perfect time to make good on what Lock owes him.

He stops in his tracks, blows smoke thoughtfully and looks up and around. She's bound to be watching, is she not? The lady of the house, as it were. They have something of an understanding, an agreement of sorts. Perhaps she would respect someone else's. Flexing his healing arm he rolls his shoulder as he considers the empty kitchen a moment, finally speaking once he has debated a few outcomes.

"Miss, if you might entertain speaking to me a moment I have a question. I know you'll be watching."

!plot, #the girl, &day 005, niall o corcoráin/the red champion (oc), #lock

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