Who: Everyone ever (no seriously)
Where: Everywhere In the parlour
When: Day 001, shortly after noon (after
this thread with Liz)
What: Tim decides it's high time to call a meeting of the Residents-- to discuss the situation and the notes
Warnings: Hopefully not too many time paradoxes. If anyone who wants to be in on this needs the time adjusted
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"All right, so maybe there's a pattern in these notes we've been finding," Tim said, now that everyone seemed to have gotten everything off their chests. "Can everybody who's found one step up?"
((ooc: All letter holders, please step up! Others are welcome to provide feedback and the like, of course.))
"I found this one in the dining room," he commented for the benefit of the others, unrolling it. Is the glass half empty or broken? A pessimistic view of things, that. It was hard to read too, but Akito could, just. He wondered who might've written it...
'I hate mysteries like this.'
'Maybe if we solve this one, we can go home...'
'We better. I'm getting bored.'
"Was there anything broken?"
It was probably some kind of figurative language by a poet who thought they were damaged and clever, but it could never hurt to look into a literal meaning. The dining room was full of unpractically fragile things, after all.
"We should consider the possibility that this is a cipher." He paused and looked over the people assembled. "Has anyone dealt with ciphers before?"
"I have."
He listened a little to something only he could hear. "Agito thinks that it could be possible that all the notes are part of a whole. But there's always a chance that there's false ones. And how do we know if we have them all?" Akito understood that last part. It was possible that if not all the notes were here, then they could be missing something...
"This one was in the library. And any books of use to the current situation here have all been very methodically destroyed in some way, so I don't suggest going in there to look for specific information." He'd already gone through every destroyed book, trying to at least glean some information from the torn pages, but it hadn't worked to his favour.
That was even more frustrating.
He couldn't let that show, though. "The library, yeah?" He raised an eyebrow. "Have you noticed anything screwy about the huge book that's just sitting on the middle of a table?"
He's half tempted to go back to the library and look at it, just to see what happens, but he squashes that urge for the present.
He wasn't at all sure that was true, but if the guy didn't have anything to say about the book, then there was no reason to continue on with the subject. Besides, it wasn't as though he'd even be able to give the guy useful information about it.
"What's on your note?" He inquired as he reached into the pocket of his vest for his own, and held it out for the guy to see. "Anyway, I've got this. It was hidden behind the mirror in the bathroom."
"Excellent. Let's rock.
I have here two notes; the first was retrieved from the bathtub in the bathroom with the dolls." He brandished the grimy note, safe within its double-layer of protective plastic. "The second was found in the room with the dollhouse... and accompanying motifs."
Which was a very tactful way of saying 'the room with the Wonderland refreshments.'
"Neither one is written in the same handwriting. They are, however, uncontaminated."
That may be a dig, everyone.
"Well then, glad to know they're uncontaminated. Let me go grab my forensic tool kit... Damn, I must have left it in my other coat. What ever will we do?"
Sorry, did you expect to be taken seriously?
"We'll keep our sharp tongues in our mouths, lest we hurt ourselves and others with our stupidity." The prosecutor didn't look particularly bothered by the sarcastic reply. He didn't even look remotely fazed. Snapping his fingers, he turned on his heel to face the masked man fully.
"Tell me, my strangely-dressed friend, do you know what is on the note in this--" Klavier lifted the bag with the bathroom note, greasy and dark with unknown stains, "--bag?"
Clearing his throat, Tim spoke up. "Well, I guess even if we don't have tools right now, we can save it to figure out later, right? If nothing else, we can use a sample to perform some more rudimentary tests." At that, his cheeks flushed a bit, playing the role of the kid in a bit over his head. "At least, that's the kind of thing they'd do on TV, right?"
"We do these tests and then what? We'd still be stuck in this goddamn house. Finding out that the person who left it there was eating a peanut butter and potato chip sandwich don't help us at all. Hate to break it to you, but this ain't CSI, kids." He looked straight at Tim on that one. "One of these rooms ain't a crime lab."
He crossed the space between his seat in the corner to where the asshole was standing and jabbed his finger at the baggie. "What's written on the note might be important, what might have touched it isn't. So either read the fuc--goddamn--note or give it to me."
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