-----------• × • A L L | A B O U T | M E • × •--------------
- Name: Sophia
- Single or taken: Single
- Sex: Female
- Birthday: December 8th
- Sign: Sagittarius
- Hair color: dark brown normally, but my hair turned mostly black after I dyed it blue for the first time. It was weird... It will be blue again soon.
- Eye color: brown
- Height: 5'3"
- Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: straight
-----------• × • F A S H I O N | S T U F F • × •--------------
- Favorite place to shop for clothes?: I've been so bad with the changing of jobs and not getting paid enough, my shopping habits have become nonexistent... So I don't know, lol.
- Favorite designer?: I don't think I have a favorite.
- What is your sexiest outfit?: Surely you jest.
- What is your most comfortable outfit?: black v neck tee shirt, black sweat pants. Oh so sexy...
- What do you usually wear?: See above outfit. Since I work from home it's easy to realize I have no clothes, and that I don't care... >_> MUST RECTIFY.
--------------• × • S P E C I F I C S • × • -------------------
- What kind of shampoo do you use?: Herbal Essence. I love the conditioner.
- What are you listening to right now?: Ida Maria's Oh My God.
- Who is the last person that called you?: My mother.
- How many buddies are online right now?: Two.
-------------• × • F A V O U R I T E S • × •-----------------
- Food: Spring rolls with mock fish and ham inside. It's so yummy it should be wrong.
- Girls' names: Zoe. I have always adored that name.
- Boys' names: Xander
- Subjects in school: Science, Orchestra, English, Creative Writing, Social Studies.
- Animals: squirmy, jubilant, roly poly, affectionate puppies
----------------• × • H A V E | Y O U | E V E R • × •-------------
- Given anyone a bath?: Yes. I've babysat a few times, I've bathed my siblings at very young ages, and I've taken care of elderly relatives.
- Smoked?: Yes, but it was only for two weeks. I wanted to see what the big deal was because my best friend Jennifer smoked. Never found out, so I stopped.
- Bungee jumped?: I haven't, but I will one day!
- Made yourself throw up?: Once, when I knew I had just eaten something that was spoiled. I felt so much better when it was gone.
- Skinny dipped?: Yes, lol. Long time ago.
- Ever been in love?: Yes.
- Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Only one time. My boss was a misogynistic ass so I turned it on him. Apparently he cannot function in front of a crying woman. Gave me the rest of the day off too..
- Pictured your crush naked?: Actually no. I think it has more to do with my own body hang ups than my view on their nekkidness.
- Actually seen your crush naked?: Nope, just without a shirt.
- Cried when someone died?: No.
- Lied: I have yes.
- Fallen for your best friend?: Yup.
- Used someone?: No; too afraid of karma and I know how it feels to be used. Wouldn't wish that on anyone.
- Done something you regret?: Quite a bit.
------------• × • C U R R E N T • × •--------------
- Clothes: Black shirt and black pants.
- Desktop picture: Uhura from Star Trek
- CD in player: Nothing
- DVD in player: Brick
----------------• × • L A S T | P E R S O N • × •----------------------
- You touched: Myself (ha, that sounds dirty)
- Hugged: My mother, almost three weeks ago...
- You kissed: My ex, when we broke up four years ago.
- You IMed: Muse, to write.
- Talk to online: Muse, to write.
- You sexed it up with: I think they're giving me back my V card.
---------------• × • A R E | Y O U • × •---------------------
- Understanding: I like to think so; sometimes against my will.
- Open-minded: I think I am.
- Arrogant: People think I am. I honestly have no idea how that comes across. I don't mean to be.
- Insecure?: You have no idea.
- Random?: When I want attention, I think.
- Hungry: Starving. Just got off of work about an hour and a half ago. My stomach is wanting to divorce me. Maybe that'd be a good thing... *ponders*
- Smart: Other people think I am, but I'm afraid of being in the crunch, and it's a life or death type of moment and people look to me because they just KNOW I HAVE THE ANSWER. And I don't. And everyone dies. So when people ask me that question, I say no.
- Moody: As of late, a lot.
- Organized: If only.
- Shy: More often than people think. If they knew the panic attack I experience at times when I need to talk to people. They'd be surprised.
- Difficult: At times.
- Bored easily: Hm. I don't think so.
- Obsessed: No.
- Angry: Sometimes.
- Happy: Sometimes.
- Hyper: I need energy to be hyper. But I've never been anything but superficially hyper.
- Trusting: At times yes, and at times no. I've been hurt more than once trusting someone I thought I could.
------------------• × • R A N D O M • × •---------------------
- In the morning I: am asleep. I work at night.
- Love is: going to come for me one day.
- I dream about: winning the lottery and taking care of my friends for the rest of their lives.
- Sexual preference: Guys.
- What do you notice first in the opposite sex you're into: Hair, then smile.
---------------• × • W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R • × ---------------
- Coke or Pepsi: DR PEPPER BABY
- Flowers or candy: I guess candy.
- Tall or short: Everyone's taller than me, so that's moot. lol
---------------• × • W H O • × • ---------------
- Makes you laugh the most: ONTD_startrek comm on LJ
- Makes you smile: Hearing my mother excited about going back to school to get her degree; making plans to move to Seattle.
- Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: No one at the moment.
--------------• × • D O | Y O U | E V E R • × •-----------------
- Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: No.
- Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Hm. I have no idea.
- Wish you were younger: Yes I'd go to fifteen and do everything right. Or at least better. I'd know what's coming, that's for damn sure.
- Cry because someone said something to you?: Yes. I cry when I'm angry.
-----------• × • N U M B E R • × •--------------
- Of times I have had my heart broken: Once
- Of guys I've kissed: Three
- Of girls I've kissed: One
- Of CD's I own: Ten. It's the digital age, and my purse thanks you.
- Of scars on my body: Faint chicken pox scars (I've had the pox three times), a scar on my knee that eerily is in the same place as my mother, my aunt, and my grandmother. Same shape and size. We all got it on a bike, but not the same one and not the same time. I have one on my index finger that I'm kind of self conscious about; I severed a nerve there so I cant actually feel it when you press on it; just the surrounding areas. It makes me feel nauseous because I can't actually straighten my finger all the way. I've got various marks on my legs because I used to think I was a boy apparently, and didn't know I would want to wear cute skirts. Well, that's moot until I lose weight, but still.