I'm assuming you're limiting yourself to D6-- so long as it's an even-sided di and you only care about odds and evens, it might as well be a coin-flip.
anyway, (3^n)/(3^n)*(n-1)*n*(1/2)^(n+1) = (n-1)*n*(1/2)^(n+1) where is n is the number of dice
Either I'm reading the equation wrong, or you're misunderstanding what I'm looking for... cuz it didn't work. I put in "2" to the equation (because I know the number of possible outcomes with 2 dice) to test it out. I didn't get "9" which is the answer.
Comments 19
anyway, (3^n)/(3^n)*(n-1)*n*(1/2)^(n+1) = (n-1)*n*(1/2)^(n+1) where is n is the number of dice
N - number of dice being rolled
X - number of possible outcomes
I may be an atmospheric scientist, but I hates the maths! I do as much as possible without it. ^_^
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