For Your Viewing Pleasure

May 22, 2005 03:08

So I haven't typed anything real in awhile, and I thought I'd try that thing I've seen on other people's journals where they just start typing and whatever comes out comes out. It sounded like a good idea since I spend half my time editing. Of course I'm still going to backspace my misspelled words :P

Not sure where to begin. Seems like people just untap something and let it flow. I'm not sure how they do that or if I'm doing it now. I guess thats what these things are made for though. Just a place for people to uncork themselves and let it all flow out, whatever it may be. What's tapped inside my bottle I wonder....Shouldn't I know without looking? I get the feeling I should and yet when I stop and try to peer beneath the glass, I can't see anything. I guess its a bit depressing, but does anyone really know themself? I sure hope I'm not the only one. XD

I was thinking a bit ago how nice it sounded to work in a... I think lounge might be the appropriate word. Somewhere I could bartend for work, then on breaks play something at a grande piano while I sing. One out of three aint bad...
It would be a classy place of course, and I'd be one of those cool bartenders who listens to people's problems, then says something real clean and simple and a flash goes off and suddenly its all perfect and I get a big tip with the bill.

Wow its really hard not to edit things into my sentences after the fact. I'm so used to throwing more words in to make sure its described just so, and it all is clear what I mean. I probably overdo it I imagine. And... I don't believe anything perfect was ever made that way on purpose, cause the universe knows, nothing any of us does ever turns out how we planned it in our head.

So I just wondered, I've been paragraphing my thoughts, but I was just supposed to let it flow. Have I violated my own rules, or does this just mean even in my head too much is going on? Well no that doesn't sound right, but I can't backspace it. Heh. Anyway... organized chaos is what I was aiming for. Who am I kidding? There's obviously no rules when it comes to Live Journal.

For anyone looking for something that isn't personal insight injected into the bytes of the internet, I've been going weekly without fail to my voice acting class I mentioned awhile back. I know I did because I just checked in the middle of typing that last sentence. But yeah, its going great, and I'm really enjoying getting out again and meeting with people who, I have to say I feel pretty comfortable with after knowing them for once or twice a week for a few hours for a few months. Maybe its like minds gathered in like place, though I'd hardly say any one of them is a cookie cutout of any of the others. What is it with all the old sayings making absolutely no sense when broken down to their finest degree?

Yeah well, for last weekend's class, we went to a recording studio and read self-chosen advertisements for a demo cd. It was really fun sitting in a room with some headphones on in front of a mic, and you're all alone but not. There was something about it that felt... right maybe? I dunno... They're all in the process of being edited, so I don't know what the finished result is like yet. I kept hearing from people that I should read for things that have an elegence to them, like diamonds. For a guy who grew up not likeing his voice, its a pretty nice thing to hear. Unfortanely I didn't manage to find a suitable diamond ad in time. Perfume and a inspirational ad for a big company worked in the end, but maybe not as well as something even more expensive.

Two thoughts just ran through my head. I have Carol King's "Tapestry" stuck in my head, and I need to find money to buy the B52's CD with "Love Shack" on it.

I just read it all back now. Seems alright, but I realized its long enough I'd probably better do an LJ-cut for the 7 or so people who have me friended. I think I'm done typing now though. I think I lost the flow around the time I started singing Tapestry and Love Shack in my head at the same time. I think I'm hungry, so I might go get some food and something to drink then maybe play Xenosaga 2 before bed.

Speaking of Xenosaga 2 real quick, I'm really pissed that they changed the English voice actress' for MOMO, Kos-Mos, and Shion, as well as Shion's hair color. For those of you who don't know Xenosaga, they're the 3 female characters of your party in both game 1 and 2. Not only that, they hired 3 replacements who I think are pretty bad and sooooo different sounding from the original English ones. Shion lost her maturity and intelligence, MOMO lost that spark for life the original had, and Kos-Mos doesn't sound robotic enough anymore, though she is the better out of the three in my opinion. Ahh it just pisses me off. And how the hell do you turn a bright red head into a dark brunette? ARG!! I don't even like the games enough for them to deserve to have me so pissed off at the voice change. Hmm... I said real quick then made it one of the longest paragraphs... ummm... April Fools? ^_^;;
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