1. when iz we gonna hangout foo? 2. if you could go anywhere right now where would you go? and would you miss me when you get there? 3. how old is yo momma?
1. If ur mom was my mom and ur dad was my best friends cousin in law who lived next door to hallie berry, is ur brother if u had one, my cousin or my wife?
2. how is a 30 year old rhinoceros in 20.6759321 years?
1. I have no clue what you asked, so I'm just going to respond with this:
The theory of the bike going faster than the rolling cd is false. I know that the rolling cd can generate enough kenetic energy to roll alot faster at a much faster velocity and speed. Obviously, I bike has more kinetic but a cd have more potential and just the same ammount of kenetic. In conclusion, I'm like SKABOOM!
2. 50.675921 years old.
3. Who else would you have to talk about computers and geek stuff with?
My 3 Questionsimperfect000April 16 2004, 20:55:16 UTC
1) What life experiences have you had that make you sucha good advice giver?
2) Exactly where did you get your height from? As in: which parent? Or relative?
3) Why do you want me to leave questions? I've been beating up my brain for a really cool third questions because 3 is my favorite number, and I just can't. :(
Comments 31
2:What possesed you to be an idiot...and do this...?
3:Pepsi...or Coke?
2. I would have to say that the zombies did, CHINCHILLA NUKKAH!
3. Sprite =D
2. if you could go anywhere right now where would you go? and would you miss me when you get there?
3. how old is yo momma?
2. Your pants, and no I wouldn't because...they're your pants.
3. I think she's like 45 or something.
2. how is a 30 year old rhinoceros in 20.6759321 years?
3. why do i know u?
The theory of the bike going faster than the rolling cd is false. I know that the rolling cd can generate enough kenetic energy to roll alot faster at a much faster velocity and speed. Obviously, I bike has more kinetic but a cd have more potential and just the same ammount of kenetic. In conclusion, I'm like SKABOOM!
2. 50.675921 years old.
3. Who else would you have to talk about computers and geek stuff with?
2) Exactly where did you get your height from? As in: which parent? Or relative?
3) Why do you want me to leave questions? I've been beating up my brain for a really cool third questions because 3 is my favorite number, and I just can't. :(
answer back yungin
whoot whoot
THE safster
2. I don't know, I think my mom had sex with a yeti or something.
3. Because I'm a dork.
-Why am I always so cold? lol
-When are your mad salsa skills gonna get me to take off my underpants?
lol I know I know sucky questions get sucky answers.
2. Hmm, anytime you want me to shake my ass and watch myself.
3. YES!! YES I WILL!!!
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