Title: The Sound of Silence
Pairing: Arizona/Callie
Rating: R
Summary: Speculation after the crash.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. I do not intend to profit in any way, shape or form by posting this story. It's for fun, nothing more, and nothing less.
A/N: I started this after episode 8x23, so I didn’t have all the info that happened in the finale, so
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Comments 21
Second, this was amazing! I echo the previous comments. This was so dark and intense. Thank you very much for posting!
Thank you very much. I've been having some trouble writing recently, so getting something worthwhile out has been a major breakthrough. ;)
Awesome, thank you again, so so much. I know it took awhile for me to get it together, but I'm really glad that people seem to be enjoying it and that I got to an organic intensity for these characters. :D
Callie's arrival and their reunion was beautiful, particularly the dialogue about Nick, how proud he was, how Callie canceled her schedule to be with him for Arizona, how Nick saw how much they loved each other. I especially liked when Arizona confessed, "...you fixed me in a way that I never thought possible…”.
I only hope she can remember that as she heals from her injuries (physical and emotional) and this new pain and lets Callie back in. Perhaps it is the journey back to that realization that is the part two of this story. I would love to see how you get them there.
Solid idea, I'm hoping I'll come up with something soon since many people are asking for a follow up. :)
Thank you again, you have no idea how much I appreciate your comment. <3
Thanks again. Many of us are looking forward to a resolution for our girls. Or whatever else inspires you next. You have given yourself such a beautiful set-up with this chapter, though.
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