MajinCrono45: is your life peachy?
SQuidWardCHicK08: no
MajinCrono45: do you have issues?
SQuidWardCHicK08: yeah you
SQuidWardCHicK08: just kidding
MajinCrono45: anything you'd like to discuss?
SQuidWardCHicK08: no my like is great thanks for asking
MajinCrono45: ok then'
SQuidWardCHicK08: what's your name?
MajinCrono45: tell me yours first
SQuidWardCHicK08: Naleena
MajinCrono45: ok...mine's Ross
SQuidWardCHicK08: great
SQuidWardCHicK08: what's up?
MajinCrono45: not much.....what about you?
SQuidWardCHicK08: nothing
SQuidWardCHicK08: you in the usa?
Auto response from SQuidWardCHicK08: I can't stand to let you in
I'm just watching you,
and I don't know what to do.
Feeling like a fool inside,
Feeling like hurt you've tried
Thought you were my friend,
Seems it never ends.
I need somebody, someone.
Can't somebody help me
All I need is to be,
Loved, just for me.
Giving you this and that,
Giving getting nothing back.
It's all related to,
All the things I do.
Feeling like a fool inside,
Seeing all the things you tried.
I am nothing.
I need somebody, someone.
Can't somebody help me
All I need is to be.
Loved, just for me
Korn - Somebody Someone
SQuidWardCHicK08: ok
MajinCrono45: yeah I'm in the US
SQuidWardCHicK08: certain state?
MajinCrono45: Nebraska
MajinCrono45: you?
SQuidWardCHicK08: tenneessee
MajinCrono45: ok
SQuidWardCHicK08: how is the weather?
MajinCrono45: fine i suppose.....a little cold, but fine. your weather?
SQuidWardCHicK08: cold its only nov and there is already ice on the ponds
MajinCrono45: interesting
SQuidWardCHicK08: yeah
MajinCrono45: what kind of music do you like?
SQuidWardCHicK08: i dont know?
SQuidWardCHicK08: u?
MajinCrono45: me.....i like metal. I'll make it easier. what are some of your favorite bands/groups/singers>?
SQuidWardCHicK08: cool
SQuidWardCHicK08: lillix
SQuidWardCHicK08: i guess
SQuidWardCHicK08: nice buddy icon
MajinCrono45: thank you
MajinCrono45: my favorite bands iclude Korn, Saliva, Evanescence, Shadows Fall, Soilwork, and In Flames
SQuidWardCHicK08: Evanscence is cool
SQuidWardCHicK08: so is Saliva
MajinCrono45: yeah
SQuidWardCHicK08: you over 16?
MajinCrono45: no. are you?
SQuidWardCHicK08: nope
MajinCrono45: how old are you?
SQuidWardCHicK08: 16
SQuidWardCHicK08: u?
MajinCrono45: 12
SQuidWardCHicK08: really?
MajinCrono45: yes really
SQuidWardCHicK08: seriously?
MajinCrono45: yes
SQuidWardCHicK08: not kidding?
MajinCrono45: i'm not kidding
SQuidWardCHicK08: you live with your parents still
MajinCrono45: yeah.....and your point being?
SQuidWardCHicK08: i have no idea
SQuidWardCHicK08: how did you come up with your screen name?
MajinCrono45: crossover between the names of my favorite anime character and my favorite video game character
SQuidWardCHicK08: cool
SQuidWardCHicK08: i love squidward he's cool
MajinCrono45: too bad Squidward's not an anime character
SQuidWardCHicK08: yeah but hes still a squid
MajinCrono45: yeah i know
SQuidWardCHicK08: i think
SQuidWardCHicK08: or maybe hez a bagel
SQuidWardCHicK08: LOL
MajinCrono45: sound more to me like you're 10
SQuidWardCHicK08: 10 thanks alot
SQuidWardCHicK08: you sound more like 2
SQuidWardCHicK08: and thanks alot still
SQuidWardCHicK08: :-D
MajinCrono45: yep......that's real mature.....< /sarcasam>
SQuidWardCHicK08: i no
MajinCrono45: type like you're 10 too
SQuidWardCHicK08: fuck you
MajinCrono45: please.....even a 10 year old can say fuck you
SQuidWardCHicK08: so?
MajinCrono45: which means you still sound like you're 10
SQuidWardCHicK08: can i have your number?
MajinCrono45: fuck no
MajinCrono45: I have a girlfriend
SQuidWardCHicK08: on less you dont have one
SQuidWardCHicK08: thank the devil
MajinCrono45: really thought I was stupid enough to give you my number
SQuidWardCHicK08: yes
MajinCrono45: well you'd be out of luck
MajinCrono45: how high is your IQ? 4?
SQuidWardCHicK08: how high is yours 1.1
MajinCrono45: just move the decimal point two places to the right
SQuidWardCHicK08: yeah right
MajinCrono45: don't believe me?
SQuidWardCHicK08: nope
MajinCrono45: well, i'm not gonna argue. there's no fucking point in it
SQuidWardCHicK08: yeah but there's a u
MajinCrono45: was that supposed to make sense?
SQuidWardCHicK08: yeah if your 16 youd know what it means
SQuidWardCHicK08: but your only 12 so fuck you
MajinCrono45: you'd like to wouldn't you
SQuidWardCHicK08: yeah i suppose i would like to be a little more emature like you but that's not the case
MajinCrono45: immature? seems to me like you're the immature one
SQuidWardCHicK08: whatever
SQuidWardCHicK08: i care like hell
MajinCrono45: that made no sense
SQuidWardCHicK08: just like u
SQuidWardCHicK08: right
MajinCrono45: if you think I'm not making any sense then you're stupider than I thought
SQuidWardCHicK08: wheres your grammar anyways
SQuidWardCHicK08: i know maybe i am
MajinCrono45: i'm using more grammar than you are
SQuidWardCHicK08: 2 bad i care so deeply
MajinCrono45: if you're going to be sarcastic at least give me a little warning *rolls eyes*
SQuidWardCHicK08: i didnt think you knew how to roll your eyes
MajinCrono45: that's because you don't think at all
SQuidWardCHicK08: how would you know
SQuidWardCHicK08: u know nothing
SQuidWardCHicK08: know wonder you only have 1 gurlfriend
MajinCrono45: honestly think my amount of girlfriends has to do with my intelligence?
SQuidWardCHicK08: yes i do
SQuidWardCHicK08: what are you some 4 eyed geek?
MajinCrono45:'re stupid than I thought
MajinCrono45: *stupider
SQuidWardCHicK08: nice
MajinCrono45:'s called a fucking typo. Ever heard of them
SQuidWardCHicK08: nope
SQuidWardCHicK08: ever heard of a brain?
SQuidWardCHicK08: i guess not
MajinCrono45: yeah, seeing as i have one
SQuidWardCHicK08: yeah 4 eyes
SQuidWardCHicK08: please a 11 whatever and you think you know so much talk about losers
SQuidWardCHicK08: 4 all i care
MajinCrono45: you're making even less sense
SQuidWardCHicK08: good
SQuidWardCHicK08: that means your confused
SQuidWardCHicK08: hint hint
SQuidWardCHicK08: ***
MajinCrono45: i'm not're just a moron
SQuidWardCHicK08: your just a hor your point
MajinCrono45: you can't even spell whore right. I feel sorry for you
SQuidWardCHicK08: your mama
SQuidWardCHicK08: is a bagel
SQuidWardCHicK08: LOL
MajinCrono45: that was stupid
SQuidWardCHicK08: now that's "immature"
MajinCrono45: yeah
MajinCrono45: you've been talking like that this whole convo
SQuidWardCHicK08: duh
MajinCrono45:'re getting stupider by the second
SQuidWardCHicK08: whatever
SQuidWardCHicK08: geek
SQuidWardCHicK08: thats so gay
SQuidWardCHicK08: like u
MajinCrono45: think I'm insulted by homosexual slurs. You are a loser and a moron. How sad
SQuidWardCHicK08: i suppose you are sad
MajinCrono45: you're getiing even stupider