omg so like expansion is wednesday and I has thursday and friday off :D:D:D:D:D time to nerd it out hardcore and beat game in 2 days :D:D:D. Scholar looks pretty shitty now that some of the spell list is out and a buncha stuff I thought would be there is missing :|. Anyways in the great words of hammy
So start off sunday with some enms and requiem of sin for gils and x dagger for memo(thefish). Mithras were stingy again and we got crap :<. Then did epic uragsuck run where stinky died(totally let that happen too :D:D:D:D:D) but we some how managed to win D:. Proceeding with standard humping procedures which resulted in this D:.
wooot gilseseseses :D:D:D:D. Then we went off to do some bugger boy for crap drops and slott got one shotted by MS heavy blow >_>. I almost did too but made epic save :D.
Also just for dinks, I snagged pic of you actually getting off your lazy butt to xp :D
Then I went with linei to xp on cor in suck mire of hell. Our pt was all 69-71 but smn was 72 and didn't tell us she was close to 73 -0-. The smn took 40 mins to dick around from windurst then go to sandy then whitegate and out to mire to xp -_-. Her gear was f u c k i n g h o r r i b l e, was like in full af1 with carby mitts and she stood around like a tard. Nin tank didn't bring echos, thf didn't bring echos, ffs drk didn't bring echos either and the dumb smn just stands there while I have to do all status shit. Was slow on cures and didn't even use summons effectively while having them out. Drk was pretty lol too saying how we should invite 67 whm before the smn because only highest level effects xp so they would get same xp anyways and how he had xp'd with some lvl 60 bards at 68.
If that's true someone somewhere is slashing their wrists pretty hard.
runs up to curaga 2 instead of targeting someone and in process fails because she's too stupid till full stop -o-.
chain fucking 4 and I'm drained of mp while this dumb erighwerjg sits there with 700 doing fuck all. Ofc the inevitable happens and people die and she's sitting here scratching her head, hey how'd you die.
she died shortly after too being too slow on the cure, shit I prolly woulda died if I had enough mp to cure lol. If you ever get in a pt with fireyshamrock, get the fuck out as fast as you can.
So stinky saved me from the horrible xp pt and I went with him and kimchi to help him do 5-2 again D:. Was an easy win this time and didn't even have to use 2hrs :<. Then I dragged stinky with me to go do some pirates :D and stole lothbot too. Kill np and decided we'd do the humpage for shits and giggles.
Yes this game T O T A L L Y promotes doing stupid shit lol and I'll keep doing it if I keep getting drop like these! D:
So I has this in inventory nowz
and this in send box :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Woke up early monday morning to xp with loth a bit too. Got a shit of a suprise when I went to auction house to take down rings for xp though lol.
note, when using ah to store shit gouge higher >_>.
We were making bout 15k an hour till some samn showed up with rdm and dropped us to like 10-11k :< but it's all good :D:D:D
whee 72 :D:D:D I doubt I'll hit 75 by expansion lol but hey I'll be pretty fucking close D:<. Anyways I'll save pics of moghouse for a later time I guess, this plenty long here :<.