What a cool film! OK it didn't have anything really ground breaking in the story line or the effects, but it was damned good all round. The effects were good (no question), the story was good (although rather simplistic) and I enjoyed every minute of it. I would have changed the ending slightly, but not a whole lot. Shame there's unlikely to be
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Comments 2
I found you through the underwater photo community page.
Hope you don't mind I added you as a friend...
My boyfriend Nate hadn't seen Firefly before watching Serenity. Well, he tried to cram in as much Firefly as he could before our trip to Hawaii but he didn't really get very far.
He saw Serenity in a theater in Kona, Hawaii with 3 other guys from our group. I refused to be in a movie theater while in Hawaii! :)
I have yet to see it, but I'm hoping to when the DVD comes out. Between snorkel trips there was a lot of Firefly, Serenity & Lost-watching going on!
check out his now de-funk site:
he may start it up in a few months.
he still has Serenity promo stuff. If you are interested let me know and maybe we can send you something.
I added you back. Most of my entries are friends only.
I agree with you about going to Hawaii and then seeing a movie! WTF! You're in Hawaii dude! Get in the water and scuba or surf or something! Of course I've been known to watch crappy movies at 11pm on vacation, but never to pay for them!
I'm not interested in promoting the film personally. It was a good film, but I'm not that big of a fan boy (OK I am a fan boy I'll admit it)
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