OOC | Concrit/Contact | Infinity on High

Dec 21, 2012 09:35

Wanna Chat?

☆ Mun: desen  
☆ AIM: darkened_joker
☆ Email #1: bluepaw001@yahoo.com <-- all emails should be sent here unless you wish to use my LJ-only email listed below
☆ Email #2: darkened_joker@ymail.com <-- please title any emails sent here with "Hyuuga | whateversubject"; this is to ensure I read it faster
☆ Timezones: CST - Winter | CDT - Summer

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

How's my Driving?

☆ Dropped Threads?
☆ Malicious Plots?
☆ OMGWTFBBQ, you suck!
☆ Etc, etc, you get it~

Yeah, post all of that here~
Lawl,Hyuuga being 1st on the Taken Characters list is funnier than it should be; what a PRIME example for people to click on~ ♥

contact, concrit, ooc, how's my driving

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