{Ruki and Wataru}
{Right by the gates at Ao Drive}
{Rated PG13 for presence of bad stuff.}
As if it wasn't enough to accidentally singe some hair off his bangs Wataru decided to play a few more games with his friends, carrying a back pack full of what he liked to call zappers.
They were nothing big, only small yellow bombs an inch or so smaller than the average sized palm of a human. Though with many, he could start a big fire. And that was what he hoped for. "Heart-chan..." he stopped, letting the cute dog bump into his legs as he was walking down the streets.
He noticed a bigger woods area farther from his house as he scratched at his neck. "We seem to be headed towards Ao drive..." Now how do I get in...
It was unclear to Ruki how many hours he'd spent asleep in Uruha's house. Far too many, it seemed, as the sun was going down... but that was fine. Not like he had anything else to do. Nope, nothing at all; that night was for resting. Alone, because any touch on his scarred skin would hurt just a little too much.
It took unreasonably long for him to walk back to his house due to the stiff pain in his body, especially considering the distance between their houses, but the length gave him enough time to notice someone who... didn't belong, right outside the gate. A robber? Probably. Oh, well; if that were the case, Ruki sure as hell wasn't going to help. Rather, he just stood and stared, sort of curious to see what the stranger would do.
Wataru continued to stare at the gate before him, trying to figure out how to conquer it. He paced back and forth for a bit, tapping at his lip, petting his dog, staring back up at the thing that stopped him. "Who needs such a gate?" he spoke aloud.
If he couldn't get in the easy way, then he'd have to climb, and he was no good at that. He also had objects in his backpack that if he fell backwards on them he'd probably... well... he'd be better off not finding out.He bent down and ran his fingers through Heart's cool hair, wondering how in the world he was going to get in. "Heart-chan... go home... "
Ruki tilted his head, more than a little curious of what this guy wanted now. It was dangerous, but Ruki loved danger. He couldn't help it.
He made his way to the gate and stared at the other through the bars, eyebrow quirked, eyes light with curiosity behind dark lenses. "What are you doing?"
Wataru looked up with narrowed eyes. Why is it he didn't see him earlier? The other was probably hiding, he thought, or maybe it was the fact that he was oblivious to other people most of the time. Nice shades. He stood up with a small smile gracing his lips, falser than a porn actresses tits.
"Hajimemashite... " A slight greeting. Introduction to say the least. "I noticed there was a big wood area behind these homes... might I have access to them?" Politeness went a long way, but this man before him just seemed odd.
To the woods? Strange request. A lie? Even gullible Ruki had to question something like that.
"The woods back there are dangerous." As far as he knew, there had been more than one case of people going in and not coming back out. Then again, that could be said about pretty much every place in Akachou. "What the hell do you wanna go there for?"
Rude to pry, perhaps- but Ruki did not have manners. And he was just curious enough about why anyone would be trying so hard to get there.
What I'm carrying is dangerous, wanna see? A clearing of the throat and a shifting of the eyes, Wataru wasn't one to tell so easily. Or was he? No. The last thing he wanted was to be questioned as to why he wanted into the woods. His were burnt out; most of the plants and brush behind his home already dead or decaying from the fumes his little experiments created.
Bummer really, but he needed somewhere a bit bigger to play. "To put it frankly thats none of your business, but seeing as I need access to those woods back there... would it be granted if I told you?" Not like it was too big of a deal seeing as all he'd be needing was to test out some bombs. No harm in that, right?
A shrug. "It would certainly make you more credible, since you could very easily be a criminal come to rape my wife, kidnap my kid and steal all my money. And if that's the case, please go to my neighbour's house."
...Not that he wanted Uruha to be violently assaulted, of course. If anyone tried, well...
too bad for them.
"So spill it or find another route, I guess."
"I'm uninterested in raping wives, others money is of no importance, and kids? Well... if the kid is 15 then I'd offer him a job." He rubbed at the tip of his nose and looked past the man in front of him, trying to see if the woods were really that worth it. Oh well.
"I need a bigger spot to test a bigger.. eh.. fire power. Bombs if you will. But don't worry, they aren't big enough to kill your precious family." But maybe, if put close enough, to light the back wall of your house on fire. Just a little.
....Bombs? Was he serious? There was no way.
But, if he was....
"That's interesting." A small smirk. Ruki really didn't care if the stranger lit part of his house on fire. It had survived Temari driving through his living room, after all. "I'll take you a secret, um... what's your name?"
Should he give out his real name? Or his work name? Wacchi... sounds like crap. And as much as he hated giving out his real name, it wasn't like it was his full name. "Wataru." This man didn't know him and he probably would only be able to trace him to the shit he writes.
He was in some form of clear. That's only if he was interested in finding out dirt on him, but he didn't seem the type. "So am I getting in or what?" I'm restless.
"Okay. Well, Wataru... one of my housemates broke this gate a few months ago and I'm assuming it's still broken since he keep scoming back. So you can just come right in without any help from me." A dark smile.
"And I won't tell anyone you're a terrorist." Except maybe Olivia because that shit was kind of cool. "Just don't blow my house up."
Fucking smooth, glasses... But it wasn't far from the truth. It was his policy to know what the weaponry he sold was going to be used for and he was certain he's made a few deals with actual terrorists. "Smooth," he smirked. "I wasted some time here then... what's your name?"
"Ruki." A pretty popular guy, he was- in the drug trade, at least. Then again, everyone involved in that knew of each other. He didn't really expect Wataru to, though- after all, nobody who made bombs should do drugs, in his opinion.
He could only hope.
"Ruki..." he made a mental note of the others name, though he'd probably forget later on, he'd have to see his face again to remember. Or hear the name mentioned again. But before he would leave, he pulled off his back pack. A light sound of the zipper and soon enough, a yellow viled liquid was in his hand.
He bent down and set the pack onto the ground, pulling out a small round sphere made of hard clear plastic. Wires could be seen through that connected to a small compartment that was located below the trigger button. He caught a glance at Ruki before opening the vile and fitting it into the small compartment, closing the plastic sphere again.
He stood back up and handed it to the still, in his mind, stranger. "Here... it's not enough to blow your hand off but enough to catch your hair on fire. Have fun with that..." He winked slightly. And that was probably not a good idea...
Who the fuck is this?
What the fuck? Oh, well; perhaps this Wataru could sense that Ruki was a fairly shady guy himself. Hopefully, because the idea of random citizens receiving bombs was just...
too fucking hilarious.
"Wow. Thanks. A souvenir." Ruki was noticeably impressed, voice much less monotone than usual. He wasn't sure what he'd do with it, but...
Explosives were just cool.
Surely Reita would have some ideas.
Wataru's jaw almost fell to the floor. He was gaping and wondering how the fuck this strange guy with shades got a hold of one of his trial bombs? Oh... fuck. Wataru rubbed at the sides of his nose, looking down as he tried to remember how he got where he was at the moment.
"Uh... shit..." He turned around and began walking away, not bothering to say bye. Why should he? He didn't know who he was. Maybe he was a customer? He couldn't remember.
....What the fuck? Ruki gave the other a questioning look. What an odd, odd man. Odd terrorist. Well, those guys were all crazy anyway, so odd behaviour was to be expected.
"You okay there, buddy?"
He took a step back subconsciously, always wary of strangers freaking out. He'd been hurt enough for one day.
"Eh?" Wataru stopped short, turning back in his spot. "I'm uh... feeling fine... " Doing his best to pretend he knew what the hell was going on. Eventually, it would come to him, but it was too fresh to remember. Maybe he should be taking his meds, at least to control the damn forgetfullness that came with the package of Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Should he ask the other what he was doing there? In front of that ridiculous gate? In this neighborhood? No. He figured he was holding enough chemicals in his pack to burn a cheap apartment, he didn't really need to ask what he was doing there. "What did you say your name was again?" and what exactly am I doing here?
Yup, definitely crazy. Ruki shrugged. "I'm Ruki. Nice to meet you. Are you Wataru too?" Maybe he was forgetful or maybe he had one of those crazy split personaltiies.
"You were gonna set bombs off, remember?" Probably not helping much, not that he was trying very hard.
"Oh... right... " He looked over at the man and eyed the bomb. "Probably not tonight but... I'm pretty sure I'll end up here again.." damn sure I will.
"Push the button on the top of the sphere and you'll have... I dont know... 4 or 7 seconds before it goes off? It's a trial bomb so you can never be too sure. Might go off in three seconds... possibly even two."
He shrugged and figured it might have more or less fire arm than his other self originally planned. And although he didn't want others to have that sort of weaponry... he couldn't just quit selling them or making them.
Strange guy.
"I'll need someone to spot me, I think." If anyone was likely to kill themselves, it was Ruki- but at least he could admit it. "It'll be cool, though..."
And Reita would be in a good mood for a week or possibly six.
Spot him? This guy and his shades were an odd one. Why not just keep the thing locked away for no use? At least thats what he does when his other self decides to make dozens of them. And what'll happen to these bad boys in his pack. "I'm off... it was uh... nice meeting you?" Questionable, seeing as he didn't actually remember the shit that happened here. If anything happened at all.