Last Night - NDN, Boobzilla, and Xpy

Sep 29, 2007 13:11

So, I went to work.

Still a counter wench at the Home Despot for those keeping score.

Dealing with my usual assortment of white trash, clueless, and jenkians who think making a tiny bit more money then us, and living in Jenks makes them better then everyone else.

Still, not to bad.

I go to lunch and eat my ping food and listen to Negativland and Dread Zeppelin on my mp3 player.

Then sistersinister9 calls me and tells me that bladedbutterfly just texted her to let us know ndn died in a car wreck.

There is also somewhat of a memorial to him (already missed the wake and funeral) tonight at 10:00.

I get off from work at 10:30.

I inform management, that I will be leaving at 10:00 (We close at 10, and I am the only Counter Wench for the night). I did not bother asking.

Then I go to the memorial, and find out that it is The Crispy Family Carnival doing one of their shows.

I had always wanted to see one of those, but my funk and all that made me a hermit.

A hermit who did not even know a friend had died. - More on this later, on with the show.

A call back to sistersinister9 and she is en route to pick me up early, with Oedipus (my sword cane) and a change of clothes for me.

The show started late (must have been fate for me to be there, since it started after we got there).

- It started out with some heavyset belly dancers (Wicked Harem). They may not have been the best dancers, but I loved their confidence. The audience was the usual assortment of Tulsans, so it had a lot of white trash, making snide comments. They just kept the smiles on their faces, and went on with their act. More power to them!
- Then next act (sorry, been asleep might not remember the proper order) was a svelte woman doing a fan dance from Eye Candy Burlesque. She was simply amazing. Later in the show there was a blonde woman from her troupe dancing as well. She was a better dancer (IMO), but they were both great.
- Then I finally got to see the famous _boobzilla_. I simply adore her. She is a ham (imagine that), and charming. Her and Xpy are adorable together. Between her lifting acts, the Electro Woman act (probably one of my favorites), The Masochist Tango (Note to Self - download that song after posting), The Sideshow Game, etc.. etc... One of the best bits was her and Xpy swallowing swords together.
- Then I got to see Bizzaro, The Optical Illusionist. I had seen videos of him thanks to bladedbutterfly showing me/making me watch them at DTV a few years ago. They do not do him justice. Many of you who know me well know that I have a soft spot for Illusion. He is quite possibly the best I have seen. Ever.
- There was a young girl with them, her name escapes me at the moment, but she was good. She danced with a live scorpion, walked on machetes, walked on eggs, and assisted with a few acts. She was entertaining, but needs to work on stage presence a bit.
- Finally, Cripsy himself (as you can tell, I have abandoned the idea of going in order, and am just commenting on each performer). He was great. He did his fire swallowing routine (was it just me, or did he pause and look up before beginning? I choose to believe he was not scoping the ceiling, but remembering someone, until he says otherwise). He did the skin piercing, the tango with _boobzilla_, and kept the show flowing.

Honestly, there are far too many things in this show to list them all.

I will say going to the show was one of the best times I have had in a long time.

Seeing Rhea at the end was icing on the cake.

I loved the night even if Oedipus (did I mention it is the same cane I bought from Xpy years ago?) broke possibly beyond repair.

Of course even that loss was overshadowed by the loss of NDN.

It did make me think though, I keep myself out of the loop, so I had not seen him.

I keep myself out of the loop so I learned about it all too late.

How many more friends will I put off seeing, or bumping into until it is too late?

This is not a pity post about me, this is my saying I have had a wakeup call.

Time to kill the hermit and bring back MTS.

Rhea - I am counting on you to help with this.

Sorry to the on-line cats, I want to get back in the world and have fun.

Xpy and Boob, thank you for helping me, and reminding me not everyone outside my home is worthless.

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