Okay, let me react spontaneously on the new OP opening song I´ve just watched here:
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjYzNTI5Nzky.html The song itself is fun and upbeat and I like it, probably my 3rd favorite OP opening after We are (the 1st) and We go (15th).
But what I noticed that there´s another ship sailing along Sunny and it´s the one called "Zoro+Sanji"! Not only they´re paired up in all animation scenes but even their clothes have matching elements - what´s with that fluffy thing they´re both wearing?!! But it seems they´ve rubbed on each other - Sanji´s exposing his chest while Zoro´s for once dressed "properly". Not to mention Sanji has a sash too! =^.^= My grin at this point matches that of the Cheshire cat....I can´t wait to see the opening in better quality.
Some screen caps to prove my point:
...but I wonder why does the crew look like Power Rangers now?