I saw this on myspace and decided to do it considering i was bored and i may add more to it later
1. Sometimes i think your mentally retarded
2.People say your my cousin...or sometimes my girlfriend..im not sure
3. your the first person that got me drunk and helped me when i was emo..thanks
3. We've had our share of fights but your still my brother
4. You fucked me over in the past but we are still ebony and ivory(im not gay)
5. Though we dont chill as much as we used to your still my brother and though your a dumb guy your one of the smartest people i know
6.You listen to me like no one else and i wouldnt trade our friendship for anything in the world
7. I dont think ive smoked as many joints with anyone like ive smoked with u man
8.We've had many epic arguments that i thought would result in us never talking again but ive been wrong many times
9. Your the king and i dont think ive ever laughed so much while around someone when they are drunk
10. Your ability to not care and your ability to laugh at everyone when they are making asses of themselves makes me laugh
11. Your an ignorant retard but u still have a good heart regardless
12. Ive known you for a long time and all i have to say is that your a fucking cock that only looks out for himself
13. Seeing you shot gun 2 beers in the same time it takes someone to shot gun one put me in awe of you
14. Taking part in your geeky yet fun hobbies has been great
15. Ive wanted to talk to you since i first saw you and thank you for being my friend
16. We've had a long history and though u take off once in awhile u have been a good friend to me
17. Your like my sister and ill never forget you
18. I went to my first real party with you and we got drunk off our asses
19. All i know about you is your name and that you like to drink every week lol
20. Thank you for telling me the way things are when others wont even if it is a bit harsh
21. You cry a lot and spending all that time in math/english talking was the best
22. Your pretty good in ddr but u got nothing on me
23. We've smoked ourselves retarded more then once whether it be during school or out of it
24. Having a 3 day long drinking/smoking binge with you guys was unforgettable
25. Sitting down after everyone left drinking jd with you and having daniel show up randomly was one moment i dont think ill forget
26. Our little fucked up family is the best
27. Spending christmas break half the time in jons basement with you guys was one of the best times ive ever had believe it or not
28. People call you and alcoholic but its ok..im a stoner lol
29. 3 idiots for life guys
30. You have given me a lot of free pot..for that i thank you
31. We used to hit up yorkdale every friday to chill when we had nothing better to do(good times)
32. I dont think ive ever been hit on so much by 2 men in my life
33. Coming to the realization we were both stoners while smoking a joint and laughing at it was a pretty sick time
34. Thanks for hanging around on new years after everything went to hell
35. Crazy white girl broke down my door..
36.Your the craziest dancer ive ever seen
37. Walking home from yorkdale with you was one hell of a mission but it was still good times
38. Being with you is something i dont think im ever going to forget
39. Your the one guy that can make me laugh even if im on the verge of exploding
40. Splitting all those bottles of booze with you has been an honor
41. Theres too many moments with you that i will never forget and im sorry for being a dick
42. We've had our problems but you are still there and willing to help