Title: You're the One I'm Loosing [5/?]
makeapanicsceneRating: PG-13
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon
POV: Third, Ryan-centric
Summary: Ryan wants to go out in the pouring rain and feel alive for once.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything
Author Notes: I wanted to write something hopeless and lonesome for a change. This is dedicated to:
guyliner_rox and
raleighsarusrex for betaing! =]]
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Comments 14
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i actually writing this fic to tell you the truth. =] thanks for commenting. anything can be beautiful in its own way and thats one of the reasons why im writing this.
astronomy is one of my favorite things and in this fic, its one of ryans too. =D
oh, and btw, i didnt use the drunken part for this chappy! =P when you gave me that idea, i immediately got a good one! (and wrote it faster than i normally write a story hahaha thanks for the suggestions! any would help me think of other good ideas too lol)
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This is always so cute (:
hopefully yes. =] i was even surprised when i wrote it less than a week. this chapter i guess was a surprise to all of you guys. lol
i got my brain movin'! =D
totes can't wait for the next chapter. :D
i'll send you the next one when im finished, kay? (sorry if this is a few days late)
...actually, looking at your icon, my pe teacher looks just like brendon. hes so hot and im not kidding!!! (i'll explain later =D)
so not fair. all my pe teachers have either been creepy women or old guys.
i can go into detail, but my pe teacher deff has brendons jaw and cheekbones about my height and dark, shorter, wavy-ish hair (sorta like gabes)but yeah. =DD
& you have no idea how much i love this.
thanks for reading them! hopefully i'll post another in the next week or so. have a great weekend ;)
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