(no subject)

Dec 19, 2004 10:24

last person
X. Slept in your bed: me, Mike, and nate
.X. Made you cry: my dad
.X. You shared a drink with: m..jord?
.X. You went to the movies with: Brina
.X. You went to the mall with: my mom
.X. Yelled at you: no one
.X. Said they were going to kill you: my self

Have you Ever?

.X. Been to New York: yes!! I live there half the year!! hehe
.X. Been to Florida?: live here!
.X. California?: yep
.X. Hawaii?: yep
.X. Mexico?: yep
.X. France?: if I told u, I’d have 2 kill you!
.X. Canada?: duh
.X. Danced naked?: under the full moon. Seriously.
.X. Got a really bad feeling about something then it happened?: all the time
.X. Wish you were the opposite sex?: hell nah
.X. Been humped?: by a dog…HAHA jay kay…OF COURSE!


.X. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: yep..but then I got him hehehehe
.X. Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Same Sex Did: yup
.X. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: sort of…just look at nate.
.X. Want Someone You Don't Have Right now: no />

.X. Liked a close Guy/Girl Friend: yea
.X. Are You ...Lonely Right Now: not really.
.X. Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: yea
.X. Do You Want To Get Married: yeah
.X. Do You Want Kids: ahuh
.X. Red or blue?: RED!!
.X. Spring or fall?: fall
.X. Math or English?: English..jord n jeffy r in that class hahaha
.X. What are you going to do after you finish this?: eat breakfast
.X. What was the last food you ate?: chips…J
.X. How many buddies are on?: 41

.X. Last movie you saw?: Practical Magic
.X. Last time you went out of the state: 3 months ago
.X. Things you like in a girl/guy: hair, eyes, and lips.
.X. Do you have a crush on someone?: tehehe yes
.X. Do they know?: duh
.X. What's his/her name?: Nate!!
.X. What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: “hmm…wut am I guna wear today?”
.X. ...Chocolate or vanilla?: chocolate.
.X. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: yeah
.X. If you could have any ...job you wanted, what would it be?: publix bagger!! hahaha
.X. Do you type with your fingers?: no my toes!
.X. What's under your bed?: boxes..and occasionally nate. hehe
.X. ...Hair Color: blonde
.X. Eye Color: brown
.X. Height Currently: 5'6
.X. College Plans: UCF bitch!
.X. Best Friend/s: Katy
.X. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nate…and KATY hahaha jk
.X. What Type ...Automobile Do You Drive: my mercedes and nates car.
.X. Are You Timely Or Always Late: never there. Period. hehe
.X. Do You Like Being Around People: no im a social paraiah. YES I LOVE PEOPLE!!
.X. What book are you reading now? The bourne supreamacy
.X. What's on your mouse pad?: starry night by vangough
.X. Favorite board game?: naughy things bored game hahaha
.X. Favorite magazine?: all of them
.X. Worst feeling in the world?: lonlieness..

.X. Room In house:my bedroom
.X. Song: Mario “let me love you”
.X. Day Of the week: sunday
.X. Color: RED
.X. Perfume Or Cologne: cotton candy stuff my sister showed me!! yumm
.X. Flower: Rose
.X. Season: winter in 2 days…21st


.X. Favorite TV show?: degrassi
.X. Last person you talked to on the phone?: Katy
.X. Last annoyance?: my foot being asleep
.X. Person you miss?: KATY AND ERYBUDDAY FRUM NY!
.X. Last letter you received in the mail?: one frum mah aunt..IT HAD 100 BIG ONES IN IT!!
.X. Last package you received in the mail? What was in it?: a mirror..for my bedroom..and lemme tell you..that bitch wuz hard to get out.

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