Adrianne. we have been tight old school since like 8th grade. i still have the beatles Cd you burned for me :D i love you. You have so much talent but your so quiet about it. you can just
Songs that remind me of you: Beatles (as explained above) and the wind in the willows sound track. plus anything thats really unique. cos im like, adrianne might like this..and the twist by chubby checker.
People: you remind me of seahorses. hahah i dont know where i came up with that. you also remind me Georgia O'Keefe
DAMNIT! live journal killed this post. so to continue...
One word: Fluid
Best memory: Oh god. there have been a lot. *thinks till brain hurts* I like any expirence with you that lets me see you with your wall down. like when you and me and annie went out. or when you watched me paint. i just feel connected to you...and watching you be like 8 people in OM last year..
Worst Memory: I dont remember. but i think you got really mad at me one day. that sucked.
Laurel, I will admit that im sure what to do with you right now but i am so glad that i met you because you made me a better person and I love you no matter what
Song- Bowie anything, queen anything, big balls, just about any cd thats in my car reminds me of you
Your remind me of...i dont know..i would say david bowie...but..hes got more facial hair..
one word Intense
Best memory, Hmm there have been a lot of good the say i drove you home from that outdoor concert for choir..or when we chill around like city etc..But i think the best was at scamfest cos i just got to know you so much better after that point. Worst: Carries party cos thats when shit started to go down the tubes..and every angry time afterwards
Comments 20
Songs that remind me of you: Beatles (as explained above) and the wind in the willows sound track. plus anything thats really unique. cos im like, adrianne might like this..and the twist by chubby checker.
People: you remind me of seahorses. hahah i dont know where i came up with that. you also remind me Georgia O'Keefe
so to continue...
One word: Fluid
Best memory: Oh god. there have been a lot. *thinks till brain hurts* I like any expirence with you that lets me see you with your wall down. like when you and me and annie went out. or when you watched me paint. i just feel connected to you...and watching you be like 8 people in OM last year..
Worst Memory: I dont remember. but i think you got really mad at me one day. that sucked.
Song- Bowie anything, queen anything, big balls, just about any cd thats in my car reminds me of you
Your remind me of...i dont know..i would say david bowie...but..hes got more facial hair..
one word Intense
Best memory, Hmm there have been a lot of good the say i drove you home from that outdoor concert for choir..or when we chill around like city etc..But i think the best was at scamfest cos i just got to know you so much better after that point.
Worst: Carries party cos thats when shit started to go down the tubes..and every angry time afterwards
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