... im not entirely sure why... but i want to put pictures on my journal now... so you are all about to witness a big emo/ego fest... because all the pictures that i have at the moment are pictures that i took of myself with my camera... when i still had a camera... whilst i was bored...
ready for the emo times???
hehe yeah thats right... spot light and everything...
oh wait the emo gets more emo
yeah thats right i pulled out the hey lets bite my lower lip picture...
"now theres the back of a truck selling the back of a car and theres a back of a car selling roadway maps"
ready for some black and white fun with a bit of colour to mix things up... this pic im not srue how well it will work because i dont feel like adjusting settings etc... but here we are
okay so the next one i kind of like... although it does win the prize of the emo so far... and yes i am aware of how much i am over using that word
and last but not least the creepy... i like it a super lot... its like ive swen my mouth shut
man i want my camera back... soon... soon my precious i shall have a new you and you will be even better than the old you... as well as not broken... once i get the monies back from my father.