Stars - Glee Klaine Fanfiction

Jan 01, 2011 21:32

Title: Stars
Series: Glee
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Prompt: Kurt & Blaine, alone on a balcony from kurt_blaine New Years One Sentence meme
Beta: NONE
Warnings: Boykissing :3
Disclaimer: I don't own.

“You know, it’s strange to think that some of those stars shining up there might have disappeared long ago and we can still see their light…” Kurt turned quickly as Blaine spoke from behind him, not expecting anyone to find him out here.

Blaine had his hands slipped into his pockets, a soft grin on his lips as he leaned against the doorframe and looked to the startled soprano. The shorter boy was dressed in a pair of dark skinny jeans and a rather nice crimson button up shirt. The light from inside illuminated him perfectly as he turned to shut the door behind him, making the dull roar of the party become nothing more than background noise.

“What are you- um, I mean, yeah. It’s really strange.” Kurt tripped over his words as he tried to calm his erratic heartbeat.  Blaine walked closer to him, the smile still on his lips as he came closer to Kurt.

“I guess that’s just the impact stars have on the universe. Even if they die out, they are still remembered for years after they’ve already gone. They just make that much of an impression.” Blaine looked up to the dark sky, leaning against the rail of the balcony next to Kurt.

Kurt let out a sigh, nodding in agreement as he leaned next to Blaine. They stayed in a comfortable silence for a few moments, each of them just enjoying the company and the beautiful view of the stars above.

Kurt looked over to Blaine, wondering what was on his mind. Recently, it was hard to be in close proximity to Blaine without getting nervous butterflies in his stomach, so he had been trying to avoid him during school so he could actually focus. Of course, every time he tried to avoid the older boy, he felt awful and ended up spending more time with him after school hours.

“So, um, what do you think of the party?” Kurt asked him softly, looking over his shoulder to the doors once more to survey the bright inside. Inside there was a mix of students from Dalton and McKinley all conversing and getting to know each other. Blaine and Kurt were the organizers of the party, believing that it would be good if their friends met and got to know each other on a more casual level.

Of course, it was the hosts who each ended up slipping away to be alone, ironically.

“I think it’s going well. No one’s been too terribly insulted or maimed yet, so it’s already better than most of the Warblers had expected.” Blaine said with a grin, earning an eye roll and an amused grin from Kurt.

“Just because McKinley is a public school doesn’t mean everyone who goes there is ready and waiting for a fight at every moment. I mean, just look at me!” Kurt said with a flourish, turning on the spot to display himself.

Blaine surveyed him as he spun in front of him, grinning as he placed a finger to his lips. He hummed to himself softly, making his way around Kurt in a circle, scrutinizing him.

“Hm, I don’t know…” Blaine said, getting smacked on the arm a moment later and he laughed jovially.

“Just kidding, just kidding.” Blaine said in surrender, holding his hands up in the air.

They laughed quietly for a bit, letting their chuckles subside into soft smiles on each of their faces as they both leaned against the balcony once more, standing even closer than they were before.

They fell into another comfortable silence, their shoulders brushing against each other when either of them shifted slightly. Kurt wasn’t sure how it got to be this way between them and how they were still only friends. It was getting frustrating to the point where he just wanted to get it over with and just outright tell Blaine about his feelings for him.

But he just wasn’t sure if he felt the same way.

“You know, I think out of everyone I know or have known, you’ll always be the one person who will always stand out in my mind, no matter what,” Blaine said softly as he turned and looked Kurt directly in the eye.

Kurt drew in a startled breath as he listened to Blaine, glancing down to their now entwined hands in elated shock.

“Kurt Hummel, you’re the star in my universe.” Lips met lips gently, making Kurt feel as if he was the luckiest guy in the world.

fanfiction, boykissing, glee, klaine, kurt/blaine

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