That amazing "present". After that, I really do know that I can't choose between them and I wouldn't want to. Heh. Just listen to me; I'm not going to become mushy, I'm not.
But I can't deny that half of what made that so enjoyable was that they both...mean a lot to me. Oh how fucking sentimental...
...I hope we can do that again sometime soon. I enjoy my time with Katsuya, and Schuldig...I'm never bored around him, that's for sure, but the both of them at once...
There was some sort of crystal on my desk today, and when I picked it up...
Well, it was obviously an illusion. Still, I do miss my office, so it was good to see it again. Katsuya, did you have anything to do with that? I thought earlier was...but who else would do something like that? Er, thanks...