1.Who kissed you on new years?
ew i don't kiss
2.Did you have a new year's resolution this year?
no i'm not a good goal-setter. or maybe i'm just not a good goal-attainer.
3.Does it snow where you live?
yes, sadly. i'd like to live someplace where a few light dustings per winter is an exciting event instead of a place where feet and feet fall from the sky
4.Do you like hot chocolate?
no it gives me an upset stomach even if it's just made with water
5.Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop?
no thanks. i don't like big crowds and the Times Square ball-drop reminds me of the opening scene to some Independence Day-type catastrophe movie. [did you know Times Square was named after the New York Times since it moved its offices there? and the shiny ball is a replacement for the fireworks they used to have since fireworks were outlawed. the more you know.]
1.Who was your Valentine?
ew i don't valentine
2.When you were little, did you buy valentines for your whole class?
yeah i guess so. i remember going out with my mom to the drug store to buy them and then sitting at home and writing the names on the back.
3.Do you care if the groundhog sees its shadow or not?
i thought that was in december? ugh this groundhog holiday confuses me. i like his name though: Punxsutawney Phil. actually the name "groundhog" is pretty cool too.
1.Are you Irish?
i don't think so
2.Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day?
i don't think so
3.What did you do for St. Patty's Day in 2006?
i don't know, that's not really a holiday in my world
4.Are you happy when winter is pretty much over?
no it gets all gross and muddy everywhere. once the trees come back i guess it's ok. i just want a season where the effing sunrise/sunset time isn't all messed up.
1.Do you like the rain?
2.Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year?
no but it's fun to fall for them because i never realize it's fools day
3.Do you get tons of candy on Easter?
4.Do you celebrate 4/20?
no, i've never gotten high
5.Do you love the month of April?
um no. i could love a girl named April though. ooh or Avril, that's "April" in French, and i like her. so, yes.
1.What's your favorite kind of flower?
white ones are usually pretty
2.Do you like the spring?
yeah i guess Spring is the best season, not too much to complain about with ol' Spring.
3.Finish the phrase "April Showers"....
4.What is the first color you think of when you think of Spring?
yellow. like daffodils.
1.What year did/will you graduate from highschool?
2. Nothing Happens in June.
the second week of June is National Hug Week and June 11th is National Hug Day, so that's kinda cute. June 6th is National Hunger Awareness Day, or "feel more guilty than normal" day. the third sunday in June is Father's Day.
1.What did you do on the Fourth of July?
sat at home. i don't like the sounds of fireworks
2.Did you go on any vacations during this month?
no i can't afford to go anywhere
3.Do you blast the A/C all day?
probably. A/C was a luxury after living in a run-down house last year and not having enough money to pay the electric bill
1.Did you do anything special at the end of your summer?
didn't go back to school
2.What was your favorite summer memory of '06?
moving into a much nicer apartment and going to a cabin-in-the-woods with church friends.
3.Did you have a sunburn?
maybe on my arms from riding my bike, but i don't show skin so it doesn't get burned much
4.Do you go to the beach a lot?
EW no. ugh the beach is disgusting.
1.Did you attend school/college in '06?
only for a bit, then i graduated. wooo.
2.Who is your favorite teacher?
i was reading through my high school's myspace message board and there was a thread about "favorite teacher." it was neat to see how people were still talking about how their teachers had impacted them. my favorite teacher was physics/math and we just called him Doc. i learned a lot from him about life as well as physics.
1.What was your favorite Halloween costume?
the last time i dressed up for halloween i dressed up as Santa. it was really awkward because i was kind-of older and the little kids walking around were like "Santa Santa!!"
2.What's your favorite candy?
despite supposedly being a vegan, i still have a weakness for chocolate. i have to be at work by 6:30am so when i don't remember to buy energy bars, i'll eat a Snickers bar from the vending machine to try and stay awake for the next 8 hours.
3.What did you dress up as this year?
this was the first year i stayed home and handed out candy
1.Whose house do you go to for Thanksgiving?
i was at my house. i've been a vegetarian for so long that i've never really been into it. last year my dad had surgery during Thanksgiving, and this year my family and i weren't together, so i've kinda stopped celebrating Thanksgiving.
2.Do you love stuffing?
no. i bought a Tofurky meal this year, and there was stuffing inside the Tofurky and it was a gross reminder that i don't like holiday tastes.
3.What are you thankful for?
hey this is a good question. right now i'm annoyed at having to go to work tomorrow, but i really am thankful for this job. compared to other jobs i was looking at, it's a lot better and pays more, and it's giving me the funds to move to new york.
1.Do you celebrate Christmas?
yeah, it's the only holiday i'm really into.
2.What is December 1st, 2006?
a friday? i'm confused.
3.Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe?
see January 1st.
4.Get anything special last year?
i was at one of the lower points of my depression, and i don't remember much about it. i hate getting stuff for Christmas and i'd always wish for a Christmas where i didn't get any gifts. i remember last year was the closest i've gotten to that. my parents just gave me a lot of money because i was moving into a new apartment.
5.What do you want this year?
i have three answers of increasing absurdity:
- the realistic: i'd like to get as much money as possible. despite having fallen into a pretty decent job, i'm still really scared that i won't have enough money to move to new york in april.
- the unspoken: i'd really like a digital SLR camera. i used to carry around my dad's old 35mm SLR and i really liked taking pictures, but it's not one of my main hobbies, so i'm not going to mention it to my parents because the $800 to $1200 that it will end up costing is way too much for a hobby that i'm not devoted to.
- the unattainable: i want someone to look me in the eyes with love and only love -- no judgement or confusion or expectation or condition -- and i don't want them to look away until i'm destroyed enough that i collapse into them crying. i want someone strong enough to withstand the treatment that they'll receive when they try to work their way inside my world. i'm so emotionally repressed now that, like a frightened tiger, i will attack anyone who dares to love me enough to come near me. it's easy and comfortable to be hated, but it's terrifying and dangerous to be loved.