Name- Seth
Age- 16
Location- West Virginia
Tell us about where you live- Its very hilly. I actually live on a hill... there are alot of those in West Virginia. I have a great view of a white-trash neighborhood where you hear gunshots alot. Its real cool, I swear.
10 Favorite Bands-
The Dillinger Escape Plan
The Mars Volta
CKY (Infiltrate - Destroy - Rebuild is a great album, C'mon!)
Dream Theater
It Dies Today
Poison the Well
As I Lay Dying
5 Favorite Books-
The Hobbit
The Lord of the Rings (That counts as three :P)
American Gods
5 Favorite Movies- (How could I not include movies in my application? Its all I do, watch movies, plus making out should be closely associated with movie watching.)
Garden State
Donnie Darko
Pulp Fiction
Mean Girls
Opinion on George Bush- I'm anti-bush, pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro-not killing little kids in Iraq, and trust me we do, I see the pictures all the time. I see innocent people beheaded in the streets by Terrorists too, to be fair.
Opinion on Gay rights- If you love someone, you love them. What just so happens to be between their legs shouldn't matter.
Why do you think you're a makeout bandit?
I've been told I'm a great kisser from every girl I've ever kissed. I guess that counts.
(Sorry I didn't answer this earlier. :P)
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