Ivan Sketch Dump 1... maybe there'll be more someday.

Aug 22, 2009 19:37

I wouldn't have posted these, but I have a VERY SPECIAL FRIEND who insisted... lol... I wouldn't even stick these in my dA scraps, but there. YES I AM AWARE THAT I NEED TO GET MY ASS UP AND DO MORE DOUJINSHI PAGES, BUT I NEEDED CHARACTER SHEETS FIRST. OTL

This first was done with no references, so it's mostly my style with a few Ivanesque details added to it. orz It... is definately not my final design.

This next sheet of crap pictures I did half with a reference. The top two and the leftmost middle profile shots were done with no real reference besides some old original art by the APH dude... whose name I keep forgetting. orz The other two profiles and the large corner shot were done with a sorta ref. But I like how it came out, so that's what I'm using.

It's all for this craptacular doujinshi I'm doing for the magnificent fanfiction by wizzard890 and pyrrhiccomedy called "Jealousy", a chapter in their The Chosen End series. The index can be found here, and page 1 of my doujinshi can be found here.

doujin, ugh, character planning, russia

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