So I was thinking earlier & I had something really great that I was going to put in here So then I took the time to comment & other ppl's journals & i go to update & I forgot what i was going to put in here... Memory you are so dumb
"When I hold pickles in front of my mouth...I drool. And sometimes when I think about pickles I drool. And that's why I like to think about pickles a lot."
I just realized that of the whole time ive had this lj...ive updated 12 times...that's pathetic.. & ive never really had any good rants...or said anything particuarly great.. That makes me a little bit..un-happy
Well...about ten minutes ago i was feeling pretty happy about life.. but then...things changed just like that... how stupid. jeez..krystal just shut the hell up and go to bed.. okay