[ooc] el dorado history

Aug 15, 2010 22:54

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01) chosen by the gods
I. because when i bring the fire
→ CLAIRE BENNET & NATHAN PETRELLI • "You mind explaining what this 'got back' thing is?"
→ ASHLEY MAGNUS • "Trust me, Ashley. This kind of thing? Nothing like it is as crazy as back home."
→ ASHLEY MAGNUS • "You can still live your life and not trust anything."
→ CLAIRE BENNET • "...Vampires? Are you reading too much Twilight again?"
⇀ FAITH LEHANE • "Might be a laundry matt somewhere."
⇏ MARTHA JONES • "Hey! What happened?!"
⇏ DIDI/DEATH • "Thanks, for that."
⇏ ROSE TYLER • "Rose. That's a nice name."

II. i make you come alive
→ MARTHA JONES • "You're new to El Dorado, aren't you, Martha?"
→ ROSE TYLER • "Looks like you're doing better."
→ CASSIE HACK • "You doing okay?"
→ FAITH LEHANE • "We're pretty much short on everything from what I can tell."
⇀ FAITH LEHANE • "I'm already there. You're a bit early."
⇀ CASSIE HACK • "Oh, alternate dimensions. Why didn't you say so?"

! ooc; general, [verse] el dorado, & history

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