(no subject)

Jul 24, 2008 21:10

Spoiler cutting this, just in case.

When John and Scott (who I've never heard speak before, he's so English!) were in the taxi John said "You get a schedule every week", right? because I so heard "You get to shag me every week."


Our gaydars are very similar, yay!

This is really nice, getting to see him as he really is, rather than just playing for the cameras.

His little face when he was told he was straight!!!

I adore how it's completely instantaneous that he becomes Scottish!John when he sees his parents.

I'm watching this and talking to elven_sg1 over MSN and we were getting excited about his family! Carole! Claire! Turner! Oh, Claire's so pretty!

He has Barbies!! A whole doll collection! Hah :D

He likes Chiquitita XD

He's all man baby.

This is all so interesting!


His desktop is a wedding picture with the doggies!!

He and Scott are so cuuuute.

Narrated by Tracy-Ann Oberman! Doctor Who link!

actor - john barrowman, tv - torchwood, tv - doctor who

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