Title: Be With You Pairing: Takaki Yuya/Yamada Ryosuke (TakaYama) Genre: Fluff, Romance, (can this even be considered as) Domestic Summary: TakaYama's adventures on their date. Word Count: 2,643
Hi! I just searched on Livejournal and found your fic. OMG it has been a really long time I could find a TakaYama fics here ( with TakaYama as the main pair like this). I'm really happy <3
It's so sweet, cute, heartwarming but also hot at the same time π You didn't put the rating here so I didn't expect there would be SMUT in the story ππππ Gosh thank you very much for this fic!
I got shiver all over at the last part when Yama clumsily said that he agreed to marry Takaki Yuya with his words interrupted π OMG πππ I can feel his happiness, their happiness. Love this so so so much πππππ
Hello sweetie! π I don't see much Takayama fanfics too. Why though? π€
Oh my... I really did forget to put ratings. lmao. π I didn't think it was worth to put some warnings because it was just some soft smut. I can't write smut for the life of me. HAHAHAH
But thanks so much for reading it! I'm so happy you loved it! π
It's also the question I have been wondering for years since I started to know & learn about this super hot pair. I don't understand the reasons either. They're not one of the most popular pairs in HSJ & I really don't understand why. But beside this, the fact is that there are not so many fanfics for HSJ nowadays ... So of course fanfics for TakaYama is even more rare. π’ Sad but it's the fact .π’
You really brighten my day with this fic π I'm like "oh my God it's been year already, a fanfic for TakaYama" π Thank you again & again π
* Ok soft smut but at least it reachs PG-15 already π IT IS HOT THO. And no, I think you can write smut π Please try some if you have time ππππ
Comments 6
It's so sweet, cute, heartwarming but also hot at the same time π You didn't put the rating here so I didn't expect there would be SMUT in the story ππππ Gosh thank you very much for this fic!
I got shiver all over at the last part when Yama clumsily said that he agreed to marry Takaki Yuya with his words interrupted π OMG πππ I can feel his happiness, their happiness. Love this so so so much πππππ
Oh my... I really did forget to put ratings. lmao. π I didn't think it was worth to put some warnings because it was just some soft smut. I can't write smut for the life of me. HAHAHAH
But thanks so much for reading it! I'm so happy you loved it! π
You really brighten my day with this fic π I'm like "oh my God it's been year already, a fanfic for TakaYama" π Thank you again & again π
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