The slow crawl to the end of the year...

May 26, 2005 19:36

The year is almost over... and in one more short year i'm leaving LACHSA... leaving people behind to move on... leaving something that I finally get use to... leaving to start something new. Am I scared? No. Just sorta in shock that this is really going to happen. I'm blessed that i was able to come to this school and meet all the people there... each person has been a help, whether i've gotten along with them or not. Soon i'll be on my own, I will be 100% responsible for my well being. Every action I make can have a dramatic change my life.

But i know everything will turn out alright. Even when things are in a mess, it's alright. I'm safe. Not from the world, but safe in the fact that I know who I am. I know my heart and I know where i want to go. I have my faith to keep me going, my friends to help encourage me, and my eyes set on the prize.

I am learning to be able to disregard the negative feedback from others. I know people Hate me or will hate me, or have hated me. I really don't care. I'll fight their hate with my love. Love can be a deadly weapon. That to me is one of the main problems in the world: A lack of love. I'm usually always hearing people talk about how much they dislike certain people, and very few people talking about the good things people do. If people would actually think sometimes about what they say and the effect it has on others... never mind...

As for my life now... all goes well. I'm alive and well which always helps. Busy and tired and a bit lonely but nothing too big. I've been drawing a bit more than before which is nice and i've been playing my keyboard a bit. Other than that i've just been thinking and working. I actually enjoy trying to figure out things, asking tough questions and trying to answer them, observing others and such.

I enjoy bringing happiness to others. It's something i wish everyone would do more often...

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