Nebbing around the network when I should be listening to Professor Highwind. Heh, the prof prolly thinks I'm taking notes or counting his curses or something. Aw, shit. I wasn't counting today. Maybe Highwind himself'll have been keeping track
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Comments 13
However, if you're to start making bets on the twit twins, I would like in on that.
Yesss, the internet is a free space, but.. er.. aheh, welcome to my journal.
See, the problem with betting on the twins... uh, the bookie's not really invincible, see, and ahah. I like living. So. Er.. >.> <.<
....well, what were you wanting to bet on? Not that this is a GOOD idea to play bookie for you, especially on this particular area, but... er, just for curiosity, not that I'll take the bet or anything.
Hmm. This is true. Forgive me, I do forget the frailty of mortals at times. But, as it is, they shan't lay a finger on you. Should you start tabs on them, consider yourself under my protection.
Alas, it is a sad day when one has to turn to betting on one's own sons for amusement.
Surely you've noticed their penchant for...Interpersonal disagreements. I believe it's one or two a day now, when they are both at full capacity, is it not? In that case, bet out the outcome of each squabble. Their...Random acts of violence on one another as it were. Code name RAoV. Surely, as long as it stays from their prying eyes, you stand to make a fortune.
You'll never feel otherwise? It's more fun if there's more people to bet on, you know. Ultros vs. Crash and Burn just isn't as appealing.
Oh well, maybe someone else will fall for Kuja's feminine wiles. Might have to readjust the numbers...
Haven't been out long, if I didn't miss that. I'll have to go get the exchange rate for credits to...
...whatever denomination of money we're using.
I don't need food, anyway.
Just leave me a note or something with exact times and etcetera.
8X? EIGHT TIMES! While I apprecate you using the number eight, I don't like being the long shot. Unless the best is "Who's *not* going to rule the world"
But yea, I'm still on for poker. I've had.. humm.. octopus things to take care of lately.
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