Name: Yori Kichida
Age: 17
Birthday: October 14th
Average Grade: C
Orientation: Straight
Yori's parents were high school sweethearts, and they moved to Neko Island (idk the actual name) to get away from it all (around the time Yori's mother was pregnant with her). They opened up a small candy store, seeing the need for one for whatever reason. They contemplated naming the store 'Sickly Sweet,' but decided against it for obvious reasons.
Yori had a rather average childhood, although she picked up a habit of eating Stuff She Shouldn't around the age of six, and she just never grew out of it. (Expanded in personality.)
Nothing else of note happened to Yori while she was growing up, or even in her teenage years. She enjoys living where she does, and doesn't really care about leaving too much, surprisingly. She's a little scared to go off to university, too, but she just acts like it's the best thing that could possibly happen - a chance to get away - because she knows that's what everybody else is thinking.
Yori is just over the average height for her age, 5'4, but she's pretty skinny, just coming under 100lbs. She has black hair; rather long, and almost always kept down. She dresses casual when she's just out and about, in maybe just jeans and a T-shirt, or a hoodie if it's colder. If she's going anywhere decent like the mainland, she'll try to look better (short skirt, a one-piece dress, basically something that gets your attention).
For make-up, it's usually the bare-minimum, at least for school. If she's going somewhere fancy, she'll put on a little more on. She's an attractive girl.
Yori is... nice - she thinks she's nice, anyway. For the most part. She knows that she gossips and bitches about people, but she thinks it's for a good cause (Haruka's a slut for taking those pictures of herself everybody must know how much of a slut she is oh my god that whore) and that there's nothing wrong with it. Sure, people call her a bitch so she knows some people don't like what she's doing, but she just assumes that they're dumb or stupid or just plain ignorant, or that she's told everybody something about them (she will only come to this conclusion last).
Yori is happy all the time - somebody calls her a bitch, she smiles, that sort of thing - pretty obvious to any bad things going on around her (and the world: i.e. Japan). If it's something big (earthquake in Tokyo -- thousands dead!!), it isn't that she won't know about it, but she'll just choose to block it out of her mind and everybody will just think she's completely clueless.
Yori still has a lot of childlike tendencies (pica being one of them) that she just never outgrew. She doesn't know any different, but she isn't retarded - she knows she's not a child, and she has plenty of interest in the stuff she should have, but there's still some sort of innocent demeanor to her, that still manages to stay around even though she spreads lies about people and gossips and just generally gets on most people's nerves.
[Good at taking criticism]
When somebody says something about Yori, and she hears it, she won't retaliate or get upset or whatever. She'll just suck it up. This isn't exactly taking on criticism, because she doesn't do anything to change her ways or anything, but it's the best she can do. Call her mother a Blood-Belching Vagina? Get a smile. Call her the Whoriest Whore That Has Ever Whored? Smile.
[There's a silver lining somewhere, I swear]
Yori will always look on the bright siiiide of life. Pretty self-explanatory.
She'll trust you, don't worry.
Yori developed pica when she was six. Even though her parents own a candy store, she's not allowed any. So one day when her parents said no, she tried some of her chalk, mostly to upset them. But she liked it and started to eat a lot of it. Even though her parents tried to stop her habit (asking the local stores to not sell her chalk; hiding it; etc) it never really worked, so they pretty much just let her get on with it now.
Yori has tried other stuff, too. Including: dirt; plaster; clay; gum; etc. Chalk is the only one she's really "stuck to," although she still swallows any gum she has. Her stomach has been pumped quite a few times. She tried to hide her habit, but word eventually got around, but she really doesn't have any clue.
There isn't really any reason why she developed pica, she just tried the chalk one day and liked it, and it's just something she's never grown out of. Yori knows it's wrong, but she can't help herself.
Yori gossips, and although she doesn't like spreading lies, she has a tendency to just think that everything she's told or that she sees is true, so most people just think she's spinning bullshit most of the time, and even label her as a ~bitch~. She's pretty oblivious to most of the talk about her that goes on, though.
She eats shit she shouldn't, she's skinnier than she probably should be, plus she hardly excerises. Yori isn't really in good shape at all. She can't run, she sucks at most sports, etc. The list goes on. She's really in no shape to fuck around in the Program.
Bad side of Yori's trusting nature: she eats up anything that people say, even if whatever they said was pretty ridiculous.
She isn't really in one. If anything, she's just the weird girl (not a clique, I know), at least when the lot of them were younger.
[Overnight bag]
Toiletries; clothes; MP3 player; cell phone; pack of chalk; gum; a horror novel.
Mother - Mika Kichida, 40. Owns a candy store with her husband. She's more of the "behind the scenes" partner, paying the bills, checking inventory, all that jazz, but she doesn't mind. It's gratifying work and she gets to work with her husband allll the time. They're still very much in love, almost embarrassingly so. Her and Yori have an okay relationship, it isn't the greatest, but Yori is a teenager and Mika is her mom, so that's to be expected.
Father - Ryou Kichida, 40. Owns a candy store with his wife. He works up front, dealing with customers and such, although he has hired someone (if anyone wants this job, just ask) to help not that it's even needed. Yori's relationship with her father is a lot better, but she still tries to avoid him most of the time because where he is, her mother usually isn't far behind. Their love for each other squicks her out.
[Notable hobbies]
Eating strange shit; gossiping; reading; shopping, the usual stuff you could class as girly.
[Chosen subject]
[Extra-curricular activities]
Drama club.
Helping out at the candy store. (She doesn't do it much.)
[In the Program]
Probablyyyy, yeah. Maybe. It depends. Yori is gullible enough to think that nobody would dare/want to attack her, but she'll also probably believe anything people say (maybe a little less so, because duh - it's the Program). It might work in her advantage or against her, it depends on the person. She'd probably be up for escaping, too, if the right person came along.
PB is Son Ye Jin
((By the way: just in case anybody actually wants to write her eating chalk for whatever reason... she doesn't bite the stick of chalk, she makes it into dust and licks it. :3 JSYK.))