The tutorials keep coming jejej :)
Going from this
1. Duplicate the base once, set iy to screen 100 % Opacity, (on some bases this step may change, depends on how dark is your base)
2. Flood fill layer, fill it with #142D75, set it to Exclusion, 100% Opacity
3. Selective color Layer
REDS: -100, 0, 100, 0
YELLOWS: 100, 0, -100, 0
NEUTRALS: 33, -7, -4, 0
4. Curves Layer
1°point: 97, 120
2° point: 206, 194
1° point: 120, 97
2° point: 143, 167
5. Selective Color Layer
REDS: -96, 0, 100, 0
NEUTRALS: -24, 0, 2, 0
6. Color Balance Layer
MID: -23, -21, -3
SHADOWS: -27, 6, 6
LIGHTS: 2, -9, -7
7. Hue/saturation Layer
REDS: 0, 12, 0
PSD Other Examples (only with some variations on step one)