*hugs to all of the cool people in California*

Aug 15, 2004 18:08

Well today as I was cleaning my rooms I found the bad candy and other goods that everyone from California gave me. I know I thanked some of the people that sent me that bag of goodies, but I'm not sure of everyone that sent it to me, so thank you Orie, Terri, June, Sharon, and else that sent me all the cool stuff. Sharon, the monkey pillow is ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

kikari August 15 2004, 18:56:12 UTC
x) glad you're enjoying..we'll be sending something else as well..mwuahaha..well i'll have to tell people that we will be o_O;; hopefully they like my idea *coughs* and then you guys can send us your movie >D!!

<3 poison..i like the movie version a lot :o


almadeis August 15 2004, 22:37:39 UTC
It was missing? o.O;

Well, anyway, I'm glad you liked it. I think we'll send you more stuff later. Hehehe. :)

Good luck with the diet.


nissan_yoo August 16 2004, 11:34:36 UTC
dou itashi. kekeke.. MUAHAHAHHA. ;D


off subject, but whatever sarahrothxix August 26 2004, 00:46:07 UTC
guess what?!?!?!? japan is getting these cool naruto gba sps. ^_^ it's orange and has the symbol on the cover. ^^ (oh, please pass this info onto jordan if you see him, as he ignores my comments on his page....)


Re: off subject, but whatever makusu August 30 2004, 02:11:37 UTC
Oh my good really?!?!? I want one, I want one!

Whats the deal with you and Jordan anyways? Wierd I havent said that name in awhile.


Re: off subject, but whatever sarahrothxix August 30 2004, 07:38:08 UTC
ok, my computer crashed mid-post, so hopefully you won't get two of these. ^_^

(about naruto gba) i know! sugoi!!! the border around the screen should have whiskers, naruto-style. =^_^= or they should make on for every clan. ^_^ that'd be coo.

as for jordan, i don't know what the hell's going on. he's been avoiding me, i know that much, but i don't know why. pisses me off. but i kinda gave up on him as a friend. he's not the same lovable jordan that would have that innocent smile that nick moore loved, he's not as much of an otaku (although he'd try to argue that), and if i knew him back then, i'd say that he's acting a lot like before he met drew, when he was all 'i hate the world, and i hate you' kinda attitude. *shrugs* i'm tired of dealing with it. at least he's still friends with you, so at least he does have some of his otaku roots in him still.


different off-subject thingie-roonie sarahrothxix August 30 2004, 07:41:56 UTC
guess what? my neice's birthday is the same as cloud's! august 19th. ^_^ that instantly makes her cool. ^_^


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