
Jul 31, 2004 00:35

This has been a busy week, but at least it wasnt as boring as last week. Besides working I mostly hung out with Lucas. Lets see.... highlights of my week are probably installing a cd player in my car and going to durango for sushi. I love having music in my car, no more buying batteries for my little boom box ^_^ I bought the cd player and some ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

kikari July 31 2004, 00:38:01 UTC
mmmm...brad pitt *sexsex* o_O;


almadeis July 31 2004, 01:04:19 UTC
Nightmare Before Christmas! You should watch it! ^__^ Jack Skellington!! Hurray!!

Get well soon!


sho_san July 31 2004, 11:45:03 UTC
max havee you bought the new TBS cd yet? .. cuz you should!!


makusu August 2 2004, 02:29:53 UTC
No I havent got a chance yet... No money >_


shewasfire August 1 2004, 13:29:16 UTC
yo, Max. It's Christine from California, Terri's friend. Remember me? :3 I added you. Add back? ;D

So, Secret Window was good? Alright. I wanted an opinion on how it was but all my friends are scared shitless by scary movies. :/ I guess I just asked the wrong people. Nightmare before Christmas! Is an awesome movie.


makusu August 2 2004, 02:32:07 UTC
Hey Christine... I added you. Oh and yeah Secret Window is was... ummm.. it was good I guess, it wasnt great though.


oneofkei August 1 2004, 15:47:51 UTC
Max we are going to have to have some movie nights when I get back!


makusu August 2 2004, 02:32:25 UTC
Hell yes we are!


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