I have to say that Heathrow is perhaps unrivalled in it's capacity to charge you for the internet. Well done James, very intuitive of you. It costs a bloody fortune! 20p a minute!! christ! Just another hour or so now till i can check in a lose my bag for a while - beats having to trundle it around on a trolley...Buenos Aires here I come!!
Frankly the man is a dude. He is such a dude that even The Dude (aka Jeff Bridges) would abide and accept that Bono is a dude on a level of dudeness previously unknown
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YES!!! passed my full motorcycle licence test this morning..!!! feelin fine! woo! and it's a sunny day. AND I'm going to see U2 tomorrow night! AND i'm going to South America on Friday! What a week!!
Don't ask me where the title came from, frankly I'm not sure. Hidden deep in my subconscious is obviously a desire to witness said camel doing said act. Something to do with watching Aladdin perhaps? hmmm
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Exams are done! I am (semi) officially 2 thirds of the way through my degree - frankly 3rd year just doesn't count. So, exams finished yesterday. Mucho excellence on the finished exam front. Although, my gripe is this. Why, as soon as my exams finish does the sun decide to hide?? boooooo!
C'mon bogs, let's have a resoundingly (i think i like that word) big yey! for those of us nearly finished with the ol' exams. Last push then we'll be done...