Tantis parta malis cura maiore metuque
servantur: misera est magni custodia census.
dispositis praedives amis vigilare cohortem
servorum noctu Licinus iubet, attonitus pro
electro signisque suis Phrygiaque columna
atque ebore et lata testudine. dolia nudi
non ardent Cynici; si fregeris, altera fiet
craas domus aut eadem plumbo comissa manebit.
sensit Alexander, testa cum vidit in illa
magnum habitatorem, quanto felicior hic qui
nil cuperet quam qui totum sibi posceret orbem
passurus gestis aequanda pericula rebus.
nullum numen habes, si sit prudentia; nos te,
nos facimus, Fortuna, deam.
If the personal were to supercede the necessary, the system would fail. If the necessary were to supercede the personal, the system would be unnecessary. Between the two extremes one never runs out of work. Neither entropy nor perfection win out.
Yet in some moments I might wish for a system that required less of me.
It is as useless as wishing for others to give more. As ever, wanting wastes time. Action brings about results. The example of the Cynic in his pot suits the situation less than Alexander's unhappiness. Those of us who choose duty over desire may pay the price that other may safely make fools of themselves. If this is unfair, it serves also as a reminder that the world never has been.