(no subject)

May 27, 2006 04:32

Downtown assault leaves unknown number dead or injured.

In yet another example of lackluster police work, a local bar, "Decent" erupted in violence Saturday night. The surprise comes not from the violence but from the fact that by the time police arrived on scene nearly all potential victims or offenders had been spirited away. Dozens of 911 calls were logged yet somehow police were unable or unwilling to respond with enough speed or force to make any arrests. In fact, eye witnesses reported seeing only one man being escorted away by police. Sources indicate signs of extreme force used in this attack, citing examples of rooms being drenched in blood along with many small fragments of bone in certain areas.

While no official statements have been released there have been rumours of anything from gang wars to "vampire feuds" as this bar has been linked with a group of individuals claiming to in fact be mythic creatures of the night.

Whatever the cause of the violence one thing is certain. London's police force is receiving more and more heat from both the general public as well as official channels. Sources indicate that an Internal Affairs probe either has or will soon be launched in relation to the growing problem of police apathy in the city. (Continued on page A06)

Probe into Police dispatching and response times called for

A probe is being called for both by City officials and the general public to look into recent shortcomings in both police dispatching and police response times.

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