Title: Look Mom, No Shoes!
Characters: Kadaj, Zexion, and anyone else not afraid of getting frozen feet. <3
Location: The Oval Pond Outside Malaise!
Rating: PG-13?
Summary: With staff supervision, the crazies have a nice slide on the ice.
Date/Time: Day 4, 13h00
No ice skates, they said. Patients of an asylum could hurt themselves on sharp edges, things Zexion had never really thought of as dangerous suddenly were. It was a different world from this side, a frightening world full of ways to get hurt - or, hurt yourself, considering some of the other residents. It was a different sort of fear, one that Zexion wasn't used to.
But non-the-less, they were getting leeway, and hell if he wasn't going to take advantage of it. They were let into the open air at last. It had only been a few days, but it was still refreshing, and Zexion breathed deep.
He was bundled up in coat, hat, and scarf to protect against the harsh winter winds, but it still felt inadequate for such extreme weather. Zexion particularly disliked being cold.
Slipping off his boots at last, he placed his socked feet on the ice, a shiver running from the heels of his feet up. Freezing! But he stood up, holding his hands out for balance. Zexion had never done this before... especially not on a pond in socks.
Carefully, he pushed his back foot off the ice, attempting to slide with his front, then again, and again, almost toppling over. It was harder than it looked, to be sure.