Title: A Reunion!
Characters: Daisuke and Satoshi
Location: Day Room
Rating: lawls, PG?
Summary: What good fortune, Satoshi coming to Malaise! Daisuke certainly is happy. |3
Date/Time: Day 13/*shrug*
Daisuke sat slouched down far enough that it looked like he was being eaten by the couch, staring blankly at the television. Though he felt vaguely like a potato, he was very comfortable, and would have been pleased if not for the fact that he was bored beyond recognition.
The boy had never been the type to be easily bored; usually he could find some way to entertain himself in most any situation, no matter how uninteresting. His imagination was rather active, after all, so if all else failed he could think. Even in school he had rarely grown bored (though he was quickly growing fed up of the tutoring at Malaise).
Today however, this wasn't the case.
He was beginning to think that banging his head repeatedly against the wall would be more amusing than watching another television show. Of course, there was plenty of things he could do instead, like finally try out the pool or the ever favorite of painting, but the comfort of the couch kept him practically chained there. And so he found himself with quite a dilemma.
Even the fact that the people in the room seemed a little more on the freaky side as far as his scary scale went and he was feeling a little uncomfortable around them, the urge to leave still did not trump the urge to vegetate.
Really his mind kept drifting back to his friends again and again, and it was enough to drive a boy mad . . . no pun intended. He missed them so horribly though, it was hard to keep his mind on anything - though it did help distract him when he was talking to one of his new friends.
With a sigh, Daisuke continued flipping through the channels and barely paying attention, eyes half-lidded.