Title: More Contraband
Characters: Dai, Reno
Location: Room 129
Rating: PG to PG-13, alcohol use, language, Reno being Reno
Summary: Reno has something Dai wants
Day/Time: Day 54, evening
He needed to celebrate surviving today. That physical had been annoying, Mao hadn't been much better (although he had gotten a knife out of it), and he apparently wasn't trusted enough to go outside and sled like most of the other people here. What did he have to do to earn the right to go outside and take more frequent smoke breaks?
Dai swore under his breath in two languages as he found Reno's room. At least doing things with people meant he wasn't bored out of his fucking skull for those periods of time. He knocked hard, waited, and wondered what sort of alcohol he was keeping in there.