Title: Psychotic Break?
Characters: Yuuko, Watanuki
Location: Yuuko's room.
Rating: PG-13 for breakdown and angst?
Summary: Yuuko is not taking well to the everything that's happened.
Day/Time: Day 59, after the drama goes down.
Angry. No, not angry. Downright FURIOUS. Yuuko couldn't believe everything that happened. For thoughts. Just thoughts alone, everyone had reacted so hostile. So angry. The guilt Tsuzuki already felt was increased to the point where he took his own life. And Hisoka? Who was to say the damage could be undone? He know thought everything he did was wrong. Hitsuzen. This was why people shouldn't fight it!
Now Tsuzuki was gone. And yet...so were all those who protest?
Yuuko paused in her pacing of the room, a look of horror crossing her face. Was it possible? Did her anger, her rage, cause them to disappear? And did Tsuzuki die...because of her own wish? Yuuko couldn't be sure. She didn't get this angry. She didn't get this attached. There were few who even made her feel this connection.
Clow. Watanuki. And now Hisoka. Why was it the newest person she could care about had to have such misfortune? "DAMNIT!" Yuuko shouted, punching the wall as hard as she could, punching a hole through the dry wall. At least she was glad she put up a sign on the door asking her roommates for privacy. She wouldn't want to freak them out. Now if only Watanuki would get here.