Title: It's Destination Unknown
Characters: Zexion, open to all (in separate threads, because I like it better that way)
Location: The library bibliophiles unite?
Rating: Depends on whoever comes in really, but I can't see it straying above PG-13
Summary: Zexion's ventured to the library, but who will he encounter once he makes it?? :O
Day/Time: 42/13oo free time.
Somehow the halls of Malaise always turned out to be crowded whenever he left his room. It was really beginning to irritate him; either the place had suddenly received quite a few extra patients who enjoyed wandering around in large groups, or fate had something against him. He didn't know which idea sounded more appeasing.
Whichever reason it was, during the free time that he used to be able to traverse the halls at his own leisure, he now had to dodge surprising amounts of people. Not only did we get more, but they also seem to be fond of loitering. If a group was large enough he would avoid it altogether, taking a different route in the halls (which wasn't too difficult, considering he knew the layout of the building quite well) until he finally reached his place of destination.
The library. He had visited many times, and he could practically make it there in his sleep - though hopefully not literally, as he was grateful he hadn't been sleepwalking lately - it was his favorite place in Malaise. Even if many of the books could be considered boring, Zexion would read anything, head filled with useful and pointless facts. He liked to be educated like that, and since he couldn't go to college here, it was the next best thing.
Hmm . . . The allure of the books was great enough that he didn't check his surroundings much, wanting a break from being on his toes non-stop. Zexion felt safe in the library, whether or not it was actually secure. He just wanted a day to relax with his books, even if it was Valentine's. He had spent a good chunk of his day with Zack, so he didn't feel too guilty.
Once he reached a shelf, he began searching for a good book to read.